under the pen-name Robert Galbraith. Plans to adapt the Cormoran Strike books were announced in late 2014, and
Harry Potter author Rowling
acted as an executive producer.
Harry Potter author Rowling
acted as an executive producer.
Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger
were cast as Strike and Robin
Ellacott in 2016. Career of Evil
(originally shown in March 2018)
followed adaptations of The
Cuckoo's Calling and The
Silkworm. Lethal White aired in 2020, and Troubled Blood debuted in December 2022. Production on The
Ink Black Heart is currently underway, whilst Strike's seventh case, The Running Grave was published last September. A repeat run of the two-part mystery concluded on Drama last night - it featured nineteen
Doctor Who cast and crew connections:
- Fern Deacon (Kelsey) was an Extra in A Good Man Goes to War
- Jessica Gunning (Holly) was Stacy Campbell in Partners in Crime
- Cosima Shaw (Ellen) was Steffi Ehrlich in The Waters of Mars
- Andrew Brooke (Brockbank) was Kahler-Tek the Gunslinger in A Town Called Mercy
- Matt King (Whittaker) was Peter Streete in The Shakespeare Code
- Tilly Steele (WPC) was Willa Twiston in The Witchfinders, then voiced Alice/Fleshkin for Big Finish's The Hunting Season (2021)
- Sid Sagar (Doctor) voiced Anson for Rictus (2025)
- Derek Ezenagu (Neighbour) voiced Tony for The Gift, and Ruslan/Ivo for The Sonomancer (both 2016)
- Gary Hoptrough was also stuntman on The Runaway Bride and Let's Kill Hitler
- Claire Lawrence was stunt performer on The Return of Doctor Mysterio too
- Dani Biernat was also stunt performer on The Christmas Invasion, New Earth, The Sound of Drums and Amy's Choice
- Stewart James was stuntman on Victory of the Daleks too
- camera operator James Layton was Sergeant Ian Jenner in Planet of the Dead
- Peter Lowden was camera assistant on The Time of the Doctor too
- SFX supervisor Scott McIntyre was the armourer on The Day of the Doctor
- for Ben Crompton, Matt Hermiston, Suzanne Cave and Nigel Squibbs see The Cuckoo's Calling
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