season of this crime drama again starred
Amanda Burton as Home Office pathologist
Professor Sam Ryan, and was now set in
London after her move from Cambridge.
A repeat run of the six-part series began on
Drama last night - it featured a total of twenty
Doctor Who cast and crew connections:
- John Flanagan (Kittrick) co-wrote Meglos
- [Peter] Nigel Terry (Thorn) was General Cobb in The Doctor's Daughter
- Robert Pugh (Peterson here; Harrington in Series 12: Finding Rachel; Wilde in Series 23: Close to Home) was Tony Mack in The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood, and voiced Emmett Burrows for Big Finish's Five Twenty-Nine (2016)
- Paul [Mackriell] Copley (Tillson here; Parkin in Series 7: Beyond Guilt) was Clem McDonald in Torchwood: Children of Earth, and voiced Dad for Spare Parts (2002), Jimmy Deel for Missing Persons (2013), Mick Huff for The Miniaturist (2022), and Wendell for The Conservitors (2023)
- Rod Arthur (Controller) was Mr. Parsons in School Reunion
- Howard Lee (Davies) was Dr. Gachet in The Pandorica Opens
- SFX artist Paul McGuinness was Drathro in The Mysterious Planet
- stunt performer Abbi Collins was the stunt co-ordinator on eleven stories (from Rise of the Cybermen to The Waters of Mars), and The Sarah Jane Adventures
- for Rod Woodruff (stunt arranger), John McGlashan (cinema- tographer) and Jan Nethercot (make-up designer) see Series 2
- Tom Georgeson (McNally) was Kavell in Genesis of the Daleks, and Police Inspector in Logopolis
- George Russo (Danny here; Bond in Series 17: Coup de Grace) was Cleric Philip in The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone
- David Cann (Commander here; DI Porter in S19: After the Fall) was Narrator of Hello Sailor!, then voiced Albert for Jenny 3 (2024)
- Michael Darbon was production manager on Warriors of the Deep too
- Cheryl Hall (Sheryl here; Series 5: The World Cruise) was Shirna in Carnival of Monsters
- Joanne Pearce (Jill) voiced Luton/Gyra for Last of the Zetacene (2022)
- for Alec Linstead (Cross) see Series 1: Buried Lies
- for Philip Kloss (film editor) see Series 3
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