Wednesday 31 July 2024

Growing-Up With The Doctor, Part 1: The Seventies

One abiding childhood memory I
have is of corned-beef butties and
Horlicks. This was my bedtime treat
on Hazel Ward. I had several ENT
operations at St. Helens Hospital,
where one physician in particular
aided my recovery, the Doctor.
Now demolished, the children's
 ward was famous locally for it's
rocking horse, but for me its biggest
draw was the book trolley.
Amongst the battered kids classics
and old annuals, were the well-
thumbed paperback versions of
 fabled Doctor Whstories.
The first Target books I read were
Day of the Daleks and The Cave 
Monsters. I also discovered a copy
 of the wondrous first edition of The 
Making of Doctor Who, where I first
learnt about the Doctor's adventures.
As soon as I joined my local library, I sought out their Target collection,
and quickly devoured every title. I even recall finding a hardback copy
of The Zarbi with Tom Baker on the cover!

My early favourites were such exotic, distant wonders like The
CybermenThe Abominable Snowmen, The Crusaders and The
Daleks, with it's bizarre alternative premise to the series (set on
Barnes Common, and bypassing the events of that first monu-
mental television story. I'd finally get to watch An Unearthly Child
in 1981).
I bought my first Target novel, The Visitation in 1982, and this marks
the beginning of my obsession with this TV legend. This library of 156
titles was my introduction to the worlds of Doctor Who, and for me,
was one  of the most important aspects of growing-up in the 1970's.

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