Wednesday 3 July 2024

Doctor Who Vs. Wire in the Blood, Series 6

Based on characters created by
Scottish author Val McDermid, this dark crime drama returned
to ITV in the autumn of 2008.
Named after her 1997 novel,
the sixth and final series again
focused on the work of police
profiler Dr. Tony Hill, portrayed
by Robson Green. The Coastal
and Tyne Tees TV co-production
 (filmed at locations around the
North East but set in the fictional Yorkshire town of Bradfield).
A repeat run of the four thrillers continued on ITV3 last night - they
featured Simone Lahbib (as DI Fielding), Emma Handy (DC McIntyre),
Mark Letheren (DS Geoffries), Mary Tamm, and a total of twenty-one
Doctor Who cast and crew connections:

  • Michael Smiley (Dr. Kirwin) was Colonel Morgan Blue in Into the Dalek, and voiced Seedleson for Big Finish's Creatures of Beauty (2003)
  • Michael Lumsden (Sanders) voiced Newton Pallister for The Crash of the UK-201 (2018)
  • Harry [Lemuel Xavier] Peacock (Victor) was Proper Dave in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead - a role reprised for Firewall (2022)
  • Zienia Merton (Magistrate) was Ping Cho in Marco Polo, and the Registrar in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith
  • Pip [Dean] Torrens (DI Brennan) was Headmaster Rocastle in Human Nature and The Family of Blood, then voiced Charlie Gibbs for Eldrad Must Die!(2013), and Kenton for Break the Ice (2022)
  • Chrissie Cotterill (Carla) was Madame Vernet in Vincent and the Doctor
  • Tim [born Michael John Leigh] Barlow (Grandfather) was Tyssan in Destiny of the Daleks
  • Tom Keller (Bell) was Atkins in The Day of the Doctor
  • Sam Stockman (Baron) was the Co-Pilot in The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
  • Simon Ludders (Unknown) was Patient in New Earth, and Overseer in Thin Ice, and voiced Luke Palmer for Outbreak (2016), Policeman for Instant Karma, Magister Feris for The Angel of History, Elliot King for The War Master 2 (all 2018), Monty/Ogron for The Uncertain Shore (2020), Control for Rogue State, Dr. Andrews for Time Flies, and Colin Carter for Dark Side of the Moon (all 2022)
  • newsreader Angela [May] Rippon also had a cameo role in The Star Beast (2019)
  • Tim Palmer was also cinematographer on Let's Kill HitlerThe Wedding of River SongNightmare in SilverArachnids in the UK and The Witchfinders
  • assistant editor David Fisher was film editor on The Woman Who Fell to EarthDemons of the PunjabIt Takes You Away and The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
  • Rob Arrowsmith was also camera operator on The Pandorica Opens, The Big Bang and A Christmas Carol
  • Vince McGahon was also steadicam operator on The Vampires of Venice and Vincent and the Doctor
  • best boy Bob Milton was the electrician on sixty stories (from The Eleventh Hour to Kerblam!)
  • Linda Morgan was also production buyer on The Zygon Inversion, Sleep No More and The Husbands of River Song
  • assistant Joanne Thompson was costume designer on K9
  • for Handy see Series 2
  • for Peter Hoar and Tom Lucy see Series 4

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