Thursday 30 May 2024

Doctor Who On This Day #150

1964 - The Aztecs, Episode 2: The
Warriors of Death first screened on
1966 - Associate Producer/Director Mervyn
Pinfield died in Islington, aged 54; and The
Crusade, Episode 3: The Wheel of Fortune
repeated on ABC
1968 - The Smugglers, Episode 2, The Tenth Planet,
Episode 2, The Power of the DaleksEpisodes 2 and
6, The HighlandersEpisode 2 and The Underwater
MenaceEpisode 4 all repeated on ABC
1970 Inferno, Episode 4 first
screened on BBC1
1971 - The Space Pirates, Episode 4 repeated and
The War GamesEpisodes 1, 2 and 4 repeated and
Episode 5 first screened, all on ABC
1975 - Death to the Daleks, Part 3 repeated and
The Monster of Peladon, Parts 1 and 4 both
repeated and Part 4 first screened, all on ABC
1976 The Ark in SpacePart 1 repeated oABC
1978 Spearhead from Space, Episode 2 and The
Three Doctors, Episode 4 both repeated and The
Green Death, Episode 1 first screened, all on ABC
1979 Spearhead from Space, Episodes
 2 and 4 both repeated on ABC
1980 The Robots of DeathPart 4 first
screened on WTTW 11
1981 The Android Invasion, Part
repeated on KQED Plus
1982 Planet of Evil Omnibus
repeated on KQED Plus
1983 Day of the Daleks, Episodes 3 and 4 both
repeated on ABC; KindaPart 4 first screened on
 TV1; and Earthshock Omnibus first screened on
1984 - Horror of Fang Rock, Part 2 repeated on
 KQED Plus; and KindaPart 3 repeated on ABC
1985 The Monster of Peladon,
Part 6 repeated on KQED Plus
1986 Four to DoomsdayPart
repeated on KQED Plus
1987 The Mind of Evil, Episode 6 repeated
on KQED Plus; and The Seeds of DoomParts
3 and 4 both repeated on ABC
1988 - Four to Doomsday Omnibus
repeated on WTTW 11
1989 The Ark in SpacePart 1 repeated
on KQED Plus; and Revenge of the Cybermen,
Part 1 repeated on TV de Galicia
1990 Timelash, Part 3 (of 4) repeated
on KQED Plus
1991 Nightmare of Eden, Part 1
 repeated on KQED Plus
1992 The Mutants, Episode 6 and The Face
of Evil Omnibus both repeated on KQED Plus
1993 Inferno Omnibus repeated on UK
Gold; and Resurrection of the DaleksPart
3 (of 4) repeated on ABC
1994 Full Circle, Part 4 repeated on UK Gold; and
Time and the Rani Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus
1995 - The Sea Devils, Episode 3 repeated on UK Gold;
and Vengeance on VarosPart 1 repeated on VOX
1997 Planet of Evil, Parts 3 and 4
both repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1998 Planet of Giants, Episode 1 repeated on
Space; and Revelation of the Daleks and The
Mysterious Planet Omnibuses both repeated
on UKTV (Aus)
1999 - Composer Don Harper died in Australia,
aged 78; The Tomb of the Cybermen, Episode
3 repeated on WQED; The War Games, Episode
5 repeated on Space;
Inferno, Episodes 5 and 6 both repeated on KBTC; The
Daemons, Episodes 2 and 3 both repeated on WCET;
The Curse of Peladon, Episode 4 and The Sea Devils,
Episode 1 both repeated on NHPTV; Planet of the Spiders,
Parts 5 and 6 both repeated on Colorado PTV; Robot, Part
4 repeated on Twin Cities PTV; Genesis of the Daleks, Part
 1 repeated on Lakeshore PTV and Omnibus repeated on
KNME; Pyramids of Mars, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on
MiND; The Brain of Morbius, Part 4 repeated on WQED;
The Hand of FearParts 1 and 2 both repeated on MPBN;
 The Invisible Enemy Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;
Logopolis Omnibus repeated on KSPS; and Enlightenment,
Part 2 repeated on WUSF
2000 - The Edge of Destruction, Episode 1 repeated on
Prime; The Seeds of Death, Episode 5 repeated on UKTV
(Aus); and The Web of Fear premiered at the Portsmouth
Arts Centre [Performed by the Bedlam Theatre Co.
reworked as two 50-minute plays, adapted by Rob Thrush
 (also cast as Colonel Lethbridge Stewart) Nick Scovell
played the Doctor, John-Paul McCrohon was Jamie, and
 Nancy Holloway was Victoria]
2001 Planet of Evil, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on BBC
America; The Power of Kroll, Part 4 repeated on UKTV
(Aus); and Nightmare of EdenPart 1 repeated on Prime
2002 The Invisible Enemy, Part 1 repeated on BBC Kids
 (Can); The Happiness Patrol, Part 2 repeated on BBC Prime;
and The Curse of FenricPart 2 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
2003 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part 5 repeated on Tele 5;
Terror of the Zygons, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on BBC
Kids (Can); Pyramids of Mars Omnibus repeated on UK
Gold; and Shada, Episode 5 released on BBCi
2004 Spearhead from Space, Episodes 1 and 2 both
repeated on KBTC; The DominatorsEpisode 5 and
The Mind RobberEpisode both repeated on WCET;
The Claws of Axos Omnibus repeated on MPT; The
Curse of Peladon, Episodes 3 and 4 both repeated on
Colorado PTV; The Brain of Morbius, Part  repeated
on NHPTV; Destiny of the DaleksParts 1 and 2 both
repeated on Iowa PTV; KindaPart 1 repeated on
WILL; Mawdryn Undead,  Part 3 repeated on KUED;
and The Mark of the Rani, Parts 1 and 2 (of 4) both
repeated on MiND
2005 - City of Death, Part 3 repeated on ABC
2007 Tooth and Claw, School Reunion, The Girl
in the Fireplace, Rise of the Cybermen, The Age
 of Steel, The Idiot's Lantern and The Impossible
Planet all repeated on Syfy (US); and The Satan
Pit repeated on UK Gold and Syfy (US)
2008 The Mind of EvilEpisodes 1 and
both first screened on MTV3 SciFi and TV4;
and The Runaway Bride repeated on BBC3
2009 The Girl in the Fireplace and Doctor Who Confidential: 
From Script to Screen both repeated on UNC-MX; The Impossible 
Planet and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: You've Got the Look 
both repeated on UKTV (Aus); Army of Ghosts repeated on KQED 
Plus and Syfy (Rus); Blink repeated on WGVU; The Sound of 
Drums repeated on OETA; and Doctor Who Confidential:
Welcome to Torchwood repeated on KQED Plus
2010 - The Impossible Planet and Doctor
Who Confidential Cutdown: You've Got the
Look both repeated on UKTV (Aus); 42 and
Human Nature both repeated on WTTW 11;
Last of the Time Lords first screened on WVPB;
The Sontaran Stratagem and Doctor Who 
Confidential: Send in the Clones both first
screened on WXXI; Silence in the Library and
Doctor Who Confidential: Shadow Play both first
screened on KERA; Forest of the Dead repeated on 
Idaho PTV; Turn Left and Doctor Who Confidential:
Here Come the Girls both first screened on MPTV;
Flesh and Stone first screened on Prime; The Vampires
of Venice first screened on Space; Amy's Choice and
Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: Arthurian Legend
both first screened on ABC1; and The Beast 
of Orlok, Episode 1 first broadcast on Radio 7
2011 - The VisitationParts 1 and 2 both repeated on
MTV3 SciFi, TV2 and TV4; The Satan Pit repeated on
Watch; The Almost People repeated on BBC3; and Cradle
of the Snake, Episode 3 first broadcast on Radio 4 Extra
2012 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, Parts 3 and 4 both
repeated on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; World War Three repeated
on BBC America; New Earth first screened on YLE TV2; The
Age of Steel and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: From
Zero to Hero both repeated on ABC2;  Doctor Who
Confidential Cutdown: What Goes on Tour repeated
on UKTV (Aus); Survival of the FittestEpisode 4
repeated and The Architects of History, Episode 1
first broadcast, both on Radio 4 Extra
2013 Rise of the Cybermen repeated on Syfy (Port);
The Idiot's Lantern and The Impossible Planet both
repeated on BBC America; The Poison Sky and Doctor
Who Confidential: From Script to Screen both repeated
on BBC Entertainment AP; Turn Left and The Stolen
Earth both repeated on Watch; Cold Blood repeated on
Syfy (Spa); The Pandorica Opens first screened on YLE
TV2; The Wedding of River Song repeated on DR3;
The Name of the Doctor first screened on Prime; and
Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: Open All Hours
repeated on UKTV (Aus)
2014 The Ark in Space, Part 1, Warriors of the Deep,
 Part 2, RoseThe End of the WorldThe Unquiet Dead,
Aliens of LondonThe Poison Sky and Cold Blood all
repeated on Syfy (Aus); Genesis of the Daleks, Parts
5 and 6 both first screened on Horror; The Long Game
repeated on RAI4; Doomsday repeated on KCPT2; The
 Family of Blood and Blink both repeated on Fox (FRG);
Journey's End and The Next Doctor both repeated on BBC America;
The Eleventh Hour repeated on BBC Nordic HD, BBC Polska HD and
KLRU; The Beast Below repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska 
HD; The Rebel FleshThe Almost People and A Good Man Goes to
 War all repeated on Really Scary TV; The Power of ThreeThe 
Angels Take ManhattanThe Bells of Saint John and The Rings 
of Akhaten all repeated on BBC3; and The Day of the Doctor 
repeated on Syfy (Port)
2015 Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Parts 3 to 6 and
Horror of Fang RockParts 1 and 2 all repeated and
The Mark of the RaniParts 1 and 2 (of 4) both first
screened, all on Retro TV; Pyramids of MarsParts
and 3, Smith and Jones, The Shakespeare Code,
Gridlock, Daleks in Manhattan and Evolution of the
Daleks all repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Keeper of
Traken Omnibus repeated on Horror; Rose repeated
on France 4; The Empty ChildThe Doctor Dances
and Boom Town all repeated on FX (Ind); The
Impossible Planet repeated on UNC-MX; Partners
in Crime, The Fires of Pompeii, Planet of the Ood,
The Sontaran StratagemThe Poison Sky and 
The Doctor's Daughter all repeated on Fox (FRG); 
The Unicorn and the Wasp repeated on UKTV (NZ);
Amy's Choice, The Hungry Earth and Doctor Who
Confidential: After Effects all repeated on BBC
Entertainment EU, Romania and ME; The
Impossible AstronautDay of the MoonThe Curse
of the Black Spot and The Wife all repeated on BBC
America; A Good Man Goes to War repeated on
OETA; Night Terrors repeated on Jeem TV (ME); The
Girl Who WaitedThe God Complex, Closing Time,
The Wedding of River Song and Asylum of the Daleks
all repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD;
A Town Called Mercy, The Power of Three and
The Angels of Manhattan all repeated on UKTV (Aus);
Listen repeated on RAI4; Doctor Who Confidential:
 You've Got the Look repeated on BBC Entertainment
 AP and UNC-MX; Doctor Who Confidential: Welcome
to Torchwood repeated on BBC Entertainment AP;
and The Wrath of the Iceni first broadcast on Radio
4 Extra
2016 - Planet of the Spiders, Parts 1 and 2 both
repeated on WETA-UK; Last of the Time Lords
repeated on Watch; The Family of Blood repeated
 on BBC Polska HD; The Stolen Earth repeated on
Syfy (Aus); The Beast Below repeated on TV Cultura;
The Impossible Astronaut repeated on Space; The
Rebel Flesh and Doctor Who Confidential: Double
Trouble both repeated on ABC2; Asylum of the Daleks
repeated on Syfy (Bra) and Syfy (LA); The Power
of Three repeated on BBC Entertainment AP; and
The Bells of Saint John repeated on BBC First (ME)
2017 The Daleks, Episodes 5 and 6 both repeated on
Retro TV; The Brain of Morbius, Part 1 repeated on The
Zone; Tooth and Claw and School Reunion both repeated
on One ARD; The Impossible Planet, Closing Time,
Listen and Behind the Lens: The Day of the Doctor all
repeated on BBC Polska HD; The Fires of Pompeii,
Planet of the Ood, The Sontaran Stratagem, The 
Poison SkyThe Doctor's Daughter and The Unicorn
and the Wasp all repeated on BBC America; The
Hungry Earth and Cold Blood both repeated on Syfy
 (Bra); The God Complex repeated on FX (Ind); and
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and A Town Called Mercy
both repeated on Syfy (LA)
2018 The Keys of MarinusThe Aztecs and The Sensorites 
Omnibuses all streamed on Twitch TV; The Seeds of Death
Episode 6 and The War Games, Episode 1 both repeated on
 Retro TV; The Parting of the Ways repeated on BBC Polska 
HD; The Day of the DoctorPart 2 (of 2) repeated on Star
World Premiere; Hell Bent repeated on ABC and ABC ME;
The Lie of the Land repeated on Syfy (Bra) and Syfy (LA);
and Empress of Mars and The Eaters of Light both repeated
 on Fox (FRG) and Syfy (LA)
2019 The Sea Devils, Episodes 1 and 2 both repeated on
Retro TV; The Parting of the Ways repeated on Syfy (Fra);
Amy's Choice repeated on BBC Polska HD; and The
Wedding of River Song repeated n Sony SciFi
2020 Robot, Parts 2 and 3 and The Androids of Tara
Omnibus all repeated on Retro TV; Planet of the Dead
and The Waters of Mars both repeated on BBC Turkey; 
Heaven Sent and Hell Bent both repeated on RAI4;
The Return of Doctor Mysterio repeated on BBC Polska
HD; The Pilot and Oxygen both repeated on BBC Polska
HD and Star World Premiere; SmileThin Ice and Knock
Knock all repeated on Star World Premiere; and Empress
of Mars and The Eaters of Light both repeated on BBC
Entertainment EU
2021 The Claws of Axos Omnibus
repeated on Retro TV; The Invisible
Enemy Omnibus repeated on Iowa PTV;
The Pirate Planet Omnibus repeated on
MPTV; Paradise TowersParts 3 and 4
both repeated on KBTC; Voyage of the
DamnedTown Called MercyThe Power
of ThreeThe Bells of Saint John and The
Time of the Doctor all repeated on W and
W+1; and Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
and Fugitive of the Judoon both repeated
 on Fox (FRG)
2022 The Hungry Earth repeated on
Fox SciFi; and Listen and The Timeless
Children both repeated on BBC America
2023 The Silurians, Episodes 2 and
3 both repeated on Retro TV; and The
Idiot's Lanterand The Impossible
Planet both repeated on Fox SciFi

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