Saturday 18 May 2024

Doctor Who Vs. Where Eagles Dare

MGM's classic British war film (released in
late 1968) was shown on 5 Action tonight.
The action centred on a fictional Allied
rescue mission in the Bavarian Alps.
Scottish novelist Alistair MacLean (1922-
1987) wrote both the screenplay (the first
of five planned features based on his
thrillers) and the book, his twelfth, at the
same time. The noted phrase used here ("Broadsword calling Danny Boy") was
referenced by Mark Gatiss in his script for Victory of the Daleks.
Headed by Richard Burton (1925-1984),
Clint Eastwood, and Mary Ure, the cast
also featured these thirty Doctor Who
cast and crew connections:

  • Ingrid Pitt [born Ingoushka Petrov] (Heidi) and Ian McCulloch (Officer) both starred in Warriors of the Deep, as Solow and Nilson respectively - Pitt was also Queen Galleia in The Time Monster [she and husband Tony Rudlin, submitted a Doctor Who script in 1984, which was even- tually produced as The Macros by Big Finish in 2010]
  • Peter [Wynn] Barkworth (Berkeley) was Clent in The Ice Warriors
  • William [Arthur] Squire (Thomas) was the Shadow in The Armageddon Factor
  • Robert Beatty (Carnaby) was General Cutler in The Tenth Planet
  • [Eugene] Neil McCarthy (MacPherson) was Barnham in The Mind of Evil, and Thawn in The Power of Kroll
  • Anton Diffring [born Alfred Pollack] (Kramer) was De Flores in Silver Nemesis
  • Derren Nesbitt [Horwitz] (Von Hapen) was Tegana in Marco Polo, and voiced Thomas Dodd for Spare Parts (2002), and Quences for Auld Mortality (2003)
  • Richard [Henry] Beale (Orderly) provided a Refusian voice in The Ark, Broadcaster for The Macra Terror, then appeared as Bat Masterson in The Gunfighters, and Minister in The Green Death
  • Derek [John] Newark (Major) was Za in 100,000 BC, and Greg Sutton in Inferno
  • [Cathal] Max[well Parnell Macaulay Lloyd] Faulkner (Hartmann) was UNIT Soldier in The Ambassadors of Death, Exxilon in (part 1 of) Death to the Daleks, Miner in The Monster of Peladon (6), Captain in Planet of the Spiders (4), Thal in Genesis of the Daleks (3), Crewman in Planet of Evil (1), Corporal Adams in The Android Invasion, and Nesbin in The Invasion of Time
  • Peter Roy (Soldier) was a Greek Soldier in The Myth Makers, Extra in The Highlanders (1), The Silurians (6), The Sun Makers (1) and Resurrection of the Daleks (1), Sergeant in The Faceless Ones (1), UNIT Bunker Soldier in The Invasion (1), Guard in The Seeds of Death (1), The Space Pirates (1), The Face of Evil (1), The Invasion of Time (1), The Androids of Tara (1) and The Armageddon Factor (1), Technic Obarl in The Hand of Fear (1), Policeman in Logopolis (1), Ambulance Man in Castrovalva (1), and Market Man in Snakedance (1)
  • Harry Fielder (Soldier) was a Guard (in serials PP, ZZZ, 4L, 4P, 5A, 5F, 5Z), Crewman (SS, 4T), Vogan (4D), Assassin (4Q), Tigellan (5Q), and Krarg in Shada 
  • Nigel Lambert (Soldier) was Hardin in The Leisure Hive
  • Del Watson (Soldier) was Crimean Soldier and Alien Guard in The War Games
  • Jim Tyson (Innkeeper) was the Bald Man in The Chase (3)
  • Jim O'Brady [born George Clifford Watkin] (Waiter), Fred [Thomas] Wood (Soldier) and Eddie Powell (Double) all worked on Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 AD too
  • Peter Brace, Tim Condren, Billy Cornelius, Rick Lester, Steve [John] Emerson, Alf [Charles Richard] Joint, Jim [Derek Christopher] Dowdall, Jack [James] Silk and Tex Fuller were stuntmen on the classic run too
  • Ted Lloyd and Anthony Waye both worked on Dr. Who and the Daleks - as the production manager and assistant director

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