Monday 10 June 2024

Doctor Who Vs. Inspector Morse: The Dead of Jericho

Central's acclaimed BAFTA winning crime
drama was produced by Zenith, and was
originally shown on ITV from 1987 to 2000.
Based on the thirteen police procedural
novels of Colin Dexter (written between
1975 and 1999), the programme sub-
sequently comprised thirty-three feature-
length murder mysteries.
The eponymous Oxford-based detective was
 portrayed by John Thaw (1942-2002), and
Kevin Whately played DS Robbie Lewis - a
role reprised for spin-off series Lewis (2006-
2015). Dexter (1930-2017) made Hitchcock-
esque cameos in all but three cases, and a
prequel drama Endeavour, starring Shaun Evans as the younger Morse, began in 2012.
Dexter's works have also been dramatised
for BBC Radio 4 (broadcast from 1992 to 1996), and in 2010, Colin Baker
took the lead in a stage  version, House of Ghosts.
Repeated on ITV3 today, the first Morse serial (based on Dexter's fifth
novel and published in 1981) aired in January 1987, and was adapted by
 Anthony Minghella. Patrick Troughton starred here as George Jackson
(pictured) in one of his final roles for television, with fourteen other Doctor
Who cast and crew connections:

  • series producer Kenny McBain was director of The Horns of Nimon
  • Norman Jones (CI Bell here & Service of All the Dead) was Khrisong in The Abominable Snowmen, Major Baker in The Silurians, and Hieronymous in The Masque of Mandragora
  • James [David] Grout (CS Strange) and Peter Woodthorpe (Dr. Max DeBryn) both provided voice roles for Whatever Happened to Susan Foreman?
  • Philip [James] Voss (Coroner here & The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn) was Acomat in Marco Polo, and Wahed in (episode 1 of) The Dominators
  • Lee Richards (Barmaid) was Exotic Romana in Destiny of the Daleks (1)
  • Rupert Holliday Evans (David) was Colonel [Alan] Mace in The Sontaran Stratagem and The Poison Sky, then voiced Celtic Warrior for The Relics of Time, Artist for The Demon of Paris, and Cop for Starfall (all 2010)
  • Annie Lambert (Adele) was Enlightenment in Four to Doomsday
  • Gary Powell (PC) was Dev Ashton in 42
  • Peter Brayham was also stunt co-ordinator on The Christmas Invasion, New Earth and School Reunion
  • stuntman Terry Forrestal was a Tractor Driver in K9 and Company
  • series stuntman Valentino Musetti was Mongol Bandit in Marco Polo (5), Saracen Warrior in The Crusade (1), Egyptian in The Daleks' Master Plan, Prisoner in The Mind of Evil, and Extra in Colony in Space and The Time Monster
  • Michael Feinberg was also a sound editor on The Lazarus Experiment, and ten episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures
  • Peter Bennett was also first assistant director on fourteen stories (from Bad Wolf to The End of Time), production manager on The Doctor's DaughterMidnightThe Stolen Earth and Journey's End, then produced another twenty-one instalments (from The Beast Below to Twice Upon a Time) and Torchwood: Children of Earth
BBC Radio 4's treatment of Alma Cullen's original drama House
of Ghosts (first transmitted in March 2018) starred Neil Pearson
as the detective, and six further Doctor Who cast alumni:

  • prolific Big Finish actor Stephen Critchlow (Woolf here; Martin in The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn) voiced Anthony Newley for Blue Veils and Golden Sands (2002), O'Keefe for The Nowhere Place (2006), Extra for The Eternity Clock (2012), Earl of Wessex/Professor Fester for The Lady of Mercia (2013), Billy Flint for An Ordinary Life (2014), the titular alien for Th Yes Men, Marvo for The Haunting (both 2015), Noni for Gallery of Ghouls, Narrator of Sound the Siren and I'll Come to You Comrade (both 2016), The Young Lions and Intuition, Leonard for Ruler of the Universe (all 2017), Sir Humphrey Eagleton/Charlie Lucas for Jago & Litefoot Forever (2018), Malcolm Wishart for The Creeping Death, and Teddy Baxter/Michael Hart for The Vardan Invasion of Mirth (both 2019)
  • Lee Ingleby (Lewis) voiced Samson Griffin for Terror Firma (2005)
  • Pip [Dean] Torrens (Strange) was Headmaster Rocastle in Human Nature and The Family of Blood, and voiced Charlie Gibbs for Eldrad Must Die! (2013), and Kenton for Into the Stars (2022)
  • Isla Blair (Verity) was Lady Isabella Fitzwilliam in The King's Demons, and voiced Paula for Exotron (2007)
  • Timothy Watson (Baxter) voiced the Z'Nai for The Catalyst (2008)
  • Samantha [Jane] Bond (Ellen) was Miss Wormwood in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane and Enemy of the Bane, and voiced Mother Baroque for The Scapegoat (2009)

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