Thursday 6 June 2024

Doctor Who Vs. Wire in the Blood, Series 2

Based on characters created by Scottish author
Val McDermid, this dark crime drama (named
after her 1997 novel) returned to ITV in early
2004. The programme (filmed at locations in
and around Newcastle but set in the fictional
Yorkshire town of Bradfield) again centred
around the work of clinical psychologist and
police profiler Dr. Tony Hill, portrayed by
Robson Green. Emma Handy was introduced
here as new DC Paula McIntyre.
A repeat run of the four-part series began on
ITV3 last night - it featured Hermione Norris,
Tom Chadbon, Alan Stocks, and a total of fifteen Doctor Who cast and crew connections:

Still She Cries (TX: February 12)
  • Handy was Jane Bishop in The Lie of the Land
  • Daniel Weyman (Fraser) voiced Ragan Crezzen for Big Finish's The Butcher of Brisbane (2012)
  • Rick [George] Warden (Weller) voiced Styggron/Sonk for The Difference Office (2022)
The Darkness of Light (TX: February 19)
  • Michael Gould (Masham) voiced Frederick Lindemann for The Oncoming Storm (2016)
  • Julia Dalkin (Librarian) voiced Hannah Fry for Phantasmagoria (1999), and was Janet in Global Conspiracy?
  • Shelly Benison was a stunt performer on The Age of Steel too
Right to Silence (TX: February 26)
  • Ryan [Oliver] Sampson (Markham) was Luke Rattigan in The Sontaran Stratagem and The Poison Sky, then voiced Brothers Timothy/Patrick for The Book of Kells (2010), Father Thane for The Elite (2011), and Lenny Kruger for 1963: Fanfare for the Common Men (2013)
  • Seon Rogers and Stewart James were stunt performers on Father's Day and Victory of the Daleks too
Sharp Compassion (TX: March 4)
  • Angus Wright (Willerton) was Dread in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Vault of Secrets, then voiced Magnus Greel for The Butcher of Brisbane and The Talents of Greel (2019), and Alek Zenos for We Are the Daleks (2015)
  • Mary Healey (Rita) was a Killjoy in The Happiness Patrol
  • Tony Bluto (Colin) was Driver Joe in Midnight
  • Pip [Dean] Torrens (Harrison) was Headmaster Rocastle in Human Nature and The Family of Blood, then voiced Charlie Gibbs for Eldrad Must Die! (2013), and Kenton for Break the Ice (2022)
  • Terry McDonough was the director of An Adventure in Space and Time too
  • stunt performer Abbi Collins was stunt co-ordinator on eleven episodes (from Rise of the Cybermen to The Waters of Mars), and The Sarah Jane Adventures

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