Thursday 20 June 2024

Doctor Who Vs. SS-GB

Based on the 1978 novel from Len
Deighton, this period drama centred on
the alternative-history scenario that the
RAF lost the Battle of Britain in 1940.
Nazi Germany's subsequent invasion,
Operation Sea Lion, was successful and
 the British government surrendered.
Churchill was executed in Berlin, King
George VI was imprisoned in the Tower
of London, the Royal Family escaped
abroad, and parliament governed in
exile from Washington DC.
The story's title refers to the branch of
the Nazi SS that now controls the UK.
Here, Scotland Yard detective Douglas
Archer (played by Sam Riley) invest-
igated a murder with links to the German
authorities, the British Resistance and
American plans for the atomic bomb. The five-part series (adapted by Bond writers Neal Purvis and Robert Wade) was first shown on BBC1 in early 2017 - co-stars James Cosmo, Aneurin Barnard,
Kate Bosworth, and Jason Flemyng were joined by twenty-three Doctor
Who cast and crew connections:

  • Barnard (PC Dunn) voiced Antan/Taker for Big Finish's The Whispering Forest (2010), then was Roger ap Gwilliam in 73 Yards
  • Flemyng (Mayhew) voiced the Captain for The Long Despair (2022)
  • Christina Cole (Mrs. Sheenan) was Lilith in The Shakespeare Code
  • Trevor White (Hapkiss) was James Blake in Rosa, and voiced Buddy Hudson for AudioGo's Starfall
  • Nicholas Farrell [born Frost] (Benson) was Brian Green PM in Torchwood: Children of Earth, and voiced Gammades for Time Reef, Phil for A Perfect World (both 2008), Captain Frank for Last of the Cybermen (2015), and Browman for Strange Chemistry (2023)
  • Julian [Alistair] Rhind Tutt (Staines) voiced Lexhan for The Paradise of Death, and Berkhoff for The Skies of New Earth (2018)
  • Danny Webb (Garin) was John Jefferson in The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit, then voiced Byron for The Girl Who Never Was (2007), and Ori for The Dark Husband (2008)
  • Alexander Devrient (Driver) was Colonel [Christofer] Ibrahim in The Giggle, The Legend of Ruby Sunday and Empire of Death
  • Kevin Hudson (Dealer) had uncredited roles in twenty-nine stories (from The Long Game to The Timeless Children)
  • Martin Mayger (POW) was UNIT Soldier in The Day of the Doctor
  • Kit Connor (Bob), Mike Pinfield (stand-in), Louis Burnett (assistant graphic designer), and Emma Collinson (location assistant) all worked on An Adventure in Space and Time
  • Patrick Schweitzer was also producer on thirteen stories (from The Eleventh Hour to The Big Bang)
  • Antonia Grant was also the location manager on The Sound of Drums and Last of the Time Lords
  • set decorator Adrian Greenwood was the production buyer on twelve episodes (from Asylum of the Daleks and The Name of the Doctor)
  • Steve Robinson was also the first assistant director on The Beast Below and Victory of the Daleks
  • Jade Poole was also SFX co-ordinator on seventeen adventures (from In the Forest of the Night to Series 10 and Class)
  • SFX technicians Dominic Allan and Gerry Glynn worked on seven and eight stories respectively (from The Snowmen to The Crimson Horror, and Kill the Moon to The Return of Doctor Mysterio and Class)
  • VFX supervisor Adam Rowland was 2D artist/compositor on twelve episodes (from The Runaway Bride to Last of the Time Lords)
  • stuntmen Dean Forster, Stephen Walsh and co-ordinator Andy Smart all worked on the revived run

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