1912 - Director Reginald Mervyn
Pinfield born in Evesham, Worcs.
1966 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode
6: Flashpoint and The Romans, Episode 3:
Conspiracy both repeated and The Web
Planet, Episode 3: Escape to Danger first
screened, all on ABC
1968 - The Crusade, Episode 3: The Wheel of Fortune,
The Space Museum, Episode 3: The Search, The Chase,
Episode 3: Flight Through Eternity, The Time Meddler,
Episode 1: The Watcher and Galaxy 4, Episode 1: Four
Hundred Dawns all repeated on ABC
1969 - Composer Murray Gold born in
1970 - Doctor Who and the Silurians,
1970 - Doctor Who and the Silurians,
Episode 5 first screened on BBC1
1976 - The Seeds of Doom, Part 5
first screened on BBC1
1978 - Pyramids of Mars, Part 2 repeated
and The Android Invasion, Part 1 first
screened, both on ABC
1979 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 1 repeated
and Part 3 first screened, both on ABC
1980 - Robot, Part 3 first screened on
WTTW 11; and City of Death, Part 4 first
screened on ABC
1981 - Logopolis, Part 1 first screened
on BBC1
1983 - The Leisure Hive Omnibus
repeated on WTTW 11
1984 - The Ark in Space, Part 4 repeated
on KQED Plus; and Image of the Fendahl,
Part 1 repeated on ABC
1985 - Inferno, Episode 2 repeated
on KQED Plus
1986 - The Power of Kroll, Part 4
repeated on KQED Plus
1987 - The War Machines, Episode 4 repeated on KQED Plus;
and Mindwarp, Parts 7 and 8 both first screened on ABC
1988 - The Krotons Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus; and
The Ark in Space, Part 2 repeated on Super Channel UK
1989 - The Mutants, Episode 2 repeated on KQED Plus;
1989 - The Mutants, Episode 2 repeated on KQED Plus;
and Revenge of the Cybermen, Part 1 repeated on ABC
1990 - Snakedance, Part 1 repeated on KQED Plus
1991 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 2 repeated on KQED Plus
1992 - The Mind Robber, Episode 5 repeated on BBC2; and The Ambassadors of Death, Episode 1 repeated on KQED Plus
1993 - Spearhead from Space Omnibus repeated on UK Gold
1994 - Underworld, Part 3 repeated on UK Gold; and
Timelash, Part 4 (of 4) and Revelation of the Daleks,
Part 1 (of 4) both repeated on ABC
1995 - Revelation of the Daleks, Part 2 first
screened on VOX; and Delta and the
Bannermen, Part 2 repeated on UK Gold
1997 - The Mutants, Episode 1 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1997 - The Mutants, Episode 1 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1998 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 1 first screened on
Space; and Time Flight Omnibus repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1999 - Inferno, Episode 7 and Terror of the Autons, Part
1999 - Inferno, Episode 7 and Terror of the Autons, Part
1 both repeated on WCET; The Mind of Evil Omnibus
repeated on NHPTV; Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Parts 4
and 5 both repeated on LPB; Robot, Part 1 repeated on
Lakeshore PTV; Terror of the Zygons Omnibus repeated
on UK Gold; Horror of Fang Rock Omnibus repeated on
WQED; The Armageddon Factor Omnibus repeated on
KSPS; Snakedance, Part 1 repeated on WUSF; and
Survival, Parts 2 and 3 both repeated on KBTC
2000 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode
1: World's End repeated on UKTV (Aus); and
The Silurians, Episode 5 repeated on Space
2001 - The Android Invasion, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on
Prime; The Deadly Assassin, Part 1 repeated on UKTV (Aus) and
Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on BBC America; and Arc of Infinity,
Part 2 repeated on BBC Prime
2002 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part 1 repeated on BBC
Kids (Can); and Mindwarp, Part 8 repeated on BBC Prime
2003 - The Robots of Death, Parts 1
and 2 both repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2004 - The Ark in Space Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;The Mind of Evil, Episode 6 repeated on Colorado PTV; and
Snakedance, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2005 - Horror of Fang Rock, Part 3 repeated on ABC
2005 - Horror of Fang Rock, Part 3 repeated on ABC
2007 - The Parting of the Ways first screened on BBC America
2009 - Time and the Rani, Parts 3 and 4, Paradise Towers and
Delta and the Bannermen Omnibuses and Dragonfire, Part 1 all
repeated on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; The Empty Child and Doctor
2009 - Time and the Rani, Parts 3 and 4, Paradise Towers and
Delta and the Bannermen Omnibuses and Dragonfire, Part 1 all
repeated on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; The Empty Child and Doctor
Who Confidential Cutdown: Special Effects both repeated on
UKTV (Aus); Bad Wolf repeated on Syfy (FRG); The Parting
of the Ways repeated on WQLN, Syfy (Rus) and Syfy (FRG);
The Christmas Invasion repeated on KQED Plus; The
Idiot's Lantern, The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit
all repeated on Syfy (Spa); Doomsday repeated on OETA;
Evolution of the Daleks and Doctor Who Confidential:
Making Manhattan both repeated on WGVU; and The
Making Manhattan both repeated on WGVU; and The
Lazarus Experiment repeated on HRT2
2010 - The Girl in the Fireplace repeated on WTVP; The Satan
Pit repeated on Ozarks PTV; Gridlock first screened on WVPB;
Human Nature repeated and Doctor Who Confidential: Alter
Ego first
screened, both on WXXI; The Family of Blood repeated on WTTW
11; The Fires of Pompeii and Doctor Who Confidential; The Italian
Job both first screened on MPTV; The Poison Sky and Doctor Who
Confidential: Sontar-Ha! both first screened on KERA; The Unicorn
and the Wasp and Doctor Who Confidential: Nemesis both first
screened on Houston PM; Forest of the Dead and Doctor Who
Confidential: River Runs Deep both first screened on Idaho
screened, both on WXXI; The Family of Blood repeated on WTTW
11; The Fires of Pompeii and Doctor Who Confidential; The Italian
Job both first screened on MPTV; The Poison Sky and Doctor Who
Confidential: Sontar-Ha! both first screened on KERA; The Unicorn
and the Wasp and Doctor Who Confidential: Nemesis both first
screened on Houston PM; Forest of the Dead and Doctor Who
Confidential: River Runs Deep both first screened on Idaho
PTV; and Planet of the Dead repeated on Syfy (Ben)
2011 - The Brain of Morbius, Episode 1 repeated on Radio 7;
The Masque of Mandragora, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on
2011 - The Brain of Morbius, Episode 1 repeated on Radio 7;
The Masque of Mandragora, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on
MTV3 SciFi, TV2 and TV4; The Stolen Earth repeated on
WGVU; and Journey's End and Doctor Who Confidential:
The End of an Era both repeated on WTTW 11
2012 - Fear Her repeated on BBC America; Voyage of the
Damned repeated on ABC2; The Stolen Earth repeated on
Watch; A Christmas Carol and Doctor Who Confidential
Cutdown: The End of an Era both repeated on UKTV (Aus);
and Resistance is Useless repeated on MTV3 SciFi and TV4
2013 - Voyage of the Damned repeated on UKTV (NZ);
Midnight repeated on Watch; and Amy's Choice and
The Beast Below both repeated on BBC America
2014 - The Sun Makers, Parts 1 and 2 and The Visitation,
Parts 3 and 4 all repeated on Syfy (Aus); Fear Her and
Army of Ghosts both repeated on BBC America; Blink
and Utopia both repeated on Really; Turn Left both
repeated on France 4; The Eleventh Hour and The
Beast Below both repeated on BBC3; The Vampires
of Venice repeated on Syfy (Port); The Hungry
Earth and Doctor Who Confidential: After Effects
both repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska
HD; The Girl Who Waited repeated on Watch; and
Cold War repeated on Ztélé
2015 - Colony in Space, Episodes 2 to 5 all repeated on Retro
TV; The Time Warrior Omnibus repeated on Horror; Genesis
of the Daleks, Parts 1 and 2, The Poison Sky, The Doctor's
Daughter, The
Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead
all repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Androids of Tara, Parts 3 and 4 both
first screened on Retro TV; Love & Monsters repeated on KCPT2;
Blink repeated on UKTV (NZ); The End of Time, Parts 1 and 2 both
repeated on BBC Entertainment EU, Romania and ME; The
Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead
all repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Androids of Tara, Parts 3 and 4 both
first screened on Retro TV; Love & Monsters repeated on KCPT2;
Blink repeated on UKTV (NZ); The End of Time, Parts 1 and 2 both
repeated on BBC Entertainment EU, Romania and ME; The
Hungry Earth repeated on Jeem TV (ME); The Impossible
Astronaut, The Curse of the Black Spot and The Doctor's Wife
Astronaut, The Curse of the Black Spot and The Doctor's Wife
all repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD; The Girl Who
Waited and The God Complex both repeated on Space; Into the
Dalek repeated on TLC TV; The Caretaker repeated on RAI4;
Dalek repeated on TLC TV; The Caretaker repeated on RAI4;
and Doctor Who Confidential: River Runs Wild repeated on
BBC Entertainment AP
2016 - The Romans, Episodes 3 and 4 both repeated on Retro
TV; The Mind of Evil, Episodes 3 to 6 all repeated on WVPB;
Pyramids of Mars, Part 4 repeated on KRWG; The Hand of Fear,
Parts 3 and 4
both repeated on KPTS; The Mysterious Planet, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on KBTC; Human Nature and The Family of Blood both
repeated EBRU; The Wedding of River Song repeated on Syfy (Aus);
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship repeated on Watch; A Town Called Mercy
and The Power of Three both repeated on BBC Polska HD; Hide
repeated on Iowa PTV; Deep Breath repeated on Idaho PTV and
both repeated on KPTS; The Mysterious Planet, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on KBTC; Human Nature and The Family of Blood both
repeated EBRU; The Wedding of River Song repeated on Syfy (Aus);
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship repeated on Watch; A Town Called Mercy
and The Power of Three both repeated on BBC Polska HD; Hide
repeated on Iowa PTV; Deep Breath repeated on Idaho PTV and
Syfy (Aus); Robot of Sherwood repeated on MPTV; Time Heist
repeated on KLRU; The Caretaker repeated on WPT; Kill the Moon
repeated on KERA; Mummy on the Orient Express repeated on
KCPT; In the Forest of the Night repeated on WILL and WXXI;
Death in Heaven repeated on OETA; The Witch's Familiar and
Under the Lake both repeated on BBC First (ME); Before the
repeated on KLRU; The Caretaker repeated on WPT; Kill the Moon
repeated on KERA; Mummy on the Orient Express repeated on
KCPT; In the Forest of the Night repeated on WILL and WXXI;
Death in Heaven repeated on OETA; The Witch's Familiar and
Under the Lake both repeated on BBC First (ME); Before the
Flood repeated on BBC First (Ben); Sleep No More and Face the
Raven both repeated on BBC America; Heaven Sent repeated
on BBC Entertainment AP; and An Adventure in Space and
Time repeated on RAI4
Time repeated on RAI4
2017 - The Silurians, Episode 2 repeated on The Zone; The
Visitation, Parts 2 and 3 both repeated on Retro TV; Smith
and Jones repeated on FX (Ind); The Time of Angels repeated
on Syfy (Aus); Amy's Choice,
The Hungry Earth, Cold Blood, Vincent and the Doctor and The
Pandorica Opens all repeated on BBC America; The Lodger repeated
on BBC America and Syfy (Aus); The Angels Take Manhattan, The
Bells of Saint John and The Zygon Invasion all repeated on Syfy
(Bra); Into the Dalek and Robot of Sherwood both repeated on
BBC Polska HD; and Last Christmas repeated on France 4
2018 - The Idiot's Lantern repeated on Syfy (Aus); Silence in
the Library repeated on Star World Premiere; The Hungry Earth
repeated on ABC and ABC ME; The Big Bang and The Impossible
Astronaut both repeated on RAI4; Into the Dalek repeated on
BBC Polska HD; Listen repeated on BBC First (ME); and
Extremis repeated on Syfy (Bra)
2019 - The Tsuranga Conundrum first
screened on Fox (FRG); and The Battle of
Ranskoor Av Kolos repeated on BBC First
2020 - The Mind Robber, Episodes 1 and
2 both repeated on Retro TV; The Crimson
Horror repeated on Syfy (Fra); The Eaters
of Light repeated on Star World Premiere;
The Doctor Falls repeated on ABC; and
Ascension of the Cybermen first screened
on YLE TV2 and repeated on ABC ME
2021 - The Time Meddler, Episodes 3 and
4 and The Curse of Fenric, Parts 1 and 2 all
repeated on Retro TV; The Two Doctors,
Parts 5 and 6 (of 6) both repeated on
KBTC; New Earth, Tooth and Claw,
Kerblam!, The Witchfinders and It Takes
You Away all repeated on W; The Battle
of Ranskoor Av Kolos repeated on W and
One ARD; and Resolution repeated on
2025 - The Savages Omnibus first
screened at BFI Southbank