Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Doctor Who On This Day #56

1966 - The Reign of Terror, Episode
1: Land of Fear and The Web Planet,
Episodes 1 and 2 all repeated on ABC
1967 - The Moonbase, Episode 3 first
screened on BBC1
1978 - Robot, Part 4 first screened on
TV2; and The Invasion of Time, Part 4
first screened on BBC1
1980 Image of the Fendahl, Part 2 first
screened on TV2; Underworld, Part 4 first
screened on WTTW 11; and City of Death,
Part 1 first screened on ABC
1982 - The Face of Evil, Part 3
repeated on KQED Plus 
1983 - Nightmare of Eden, Part
 1 repeated  on KQED Plus
1984 - The Ark in SpacePart 3
repeated on KQED Plus
1985 - Day of the Daleks Omnibus
repeated on WTTW 11
1986 - The Silurians, Episode 3 repeated on ABC; and
The Power of KrollPart 1 repeated on KQED Plus
1987 The War Machines, Episode 1 repeated on KQED 
Plus; and Terror of the Zygons, Part 4 repeated on TV2
1988 Robot, Part 4 repeated on TV de Galicia; and
The Pirate PlanetPart 4 repeated on KQED Plus
1989 The Mutants, Episode 1 repeated on KQED Plus
1990 - Revenge of the Cybermen Omnibus
repeated on KQED Plus; and Remembrance
of the Daleks, Part 3 first screened on RTL TV
1991 - The Androids of Tara Omnibus
repeated on WTTW 11
1992 The SiluriansEpisode 5
repeated on KQED Plus
1994 Underworld, Part 2 repeated
on UK Gold
1995 Resurrection of the Daleks Omnibus repeated
on KQED Plus; and Paradise Towers, Part 4 repeated
on UK Gold
1996 The Androids of Tara Omnibus
repeated on UK Gold
1997 The Curse of Peladon, Episode
repeated on UKTV (Aus) 
1998 The Krotons, Episode 3 first screened on
Space; and Time FlightPart 3 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1999 The Krotons, Episode 3 repeated on Space; and 
The Invasion of Time, Part 5 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
2000 - Planet of Giants, Episode 3: Crisis repeated on
UKTV (Aus); and The SiluriansEpisode 2 repeated on
2001 -
2003 The Deadly Assassin, Parts 3
and 4 both repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2004 The Mind Robber, Episode 4 repeated on ABC; and
Time Flight, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2006 The Silurians Omnibus repeated on UK Gold; Dalek
repeated on People+ Arts; The Doctor Dances and Boom
Town both repeated on ΣΚΑΙ; and Bad Wolf first screened
on één
2007 The Time Monster Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;
The Seeds of DoomParts 5 and 6 both repeated on
WCET; The Pirate Planet Omnibus repeated on MPT;
Bad Wolf repeated on BBC America; and The Satan
Pit first screened on Jimmy
2009 - Paradise Towers, Parts
3 and 4 both first screened on
MTV3 SciFi and TV4
2010 The Idiot's Lantern repeated on Syfy (Spa); The Satan
Pit repeated on HRT2; and Last of the Time Lords and Doctor
Who Confidential: The Valiant Quest both repeated on BBC3
2011 - The Seeds of Doom, Parts 5 and 6 both repeated
on MTV3 SciFi, TV2 and TV4; The Sontaran Stratagem
repeated on Space; The Stolen Earth repeated on
WGVU; and The Big Bang repeated on BBC3
2012 Gridlock and Daleks in Manhattan
both repeated on BBC3
2013 The Aztecs, Episodes 3 and 4, The Tomb
of the Cybermen Omnibus and Planet of the Dead
all repeated on BBC America; Utopia repeated on
UKTV (NZ); The Unicorn and the Wasp repeated
on Watch; The Doctor's Wife repeated on WTTW
HD; and The Doctors Revisited: The Second
Doctor first screened on BBC America
2014 - The Invisible Enemy, Parts 3 and 4 and Kinda, Parts 1 and 
all repeated on Syfy (Aus); Rise of the Cybermen and The Age
 of Steel both repeated on BBC America; Utopia repeated on TV3 
(Spa); Silence in the Library repeated on France 4; Victory of the 
Daleks and The Day of the Doctor both repeated on Syfy (Port); 
The God Complex repeated on Watch; and Asylum of the Daleks 
repeated on WGVU
2015 - Designer Barry Newbery died in London, aged 88;
The Robots of Death, Part 4 and The Talons of Weng-Chiang,
Part 1 both repeated on Horror; Underworld, Part 1 and The
Family of Blood both repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Stones of
Blood, Parts 1 and 2 both first screened on Retro TV; The
Long Game repeated on Watch; The Idiot's Lantern repeated
on KCPT2; Closing Time and The Wedding of River Song both
repeated on BBC America; The Doctor, the Widow and the
Wardrobe repeated on Syfy (Ben); A Town Called Mercy and
 The Power of Three both repeated on KLRU; The Crimson
Horror repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD;
Time Heist and The Caretaker both repeated on Fox
(FRG); and Mummy on the Orient Express repeated
on BBC Entertainment AP
2016 The Android Invasion Omnibus repeated on Horror;
Bad Wolf and Doctor Who Confidential: The World of Who
both repeated on ABC2; The Lazarus Experiment
repeated on Syfy (Aus) and France 4; 42 repeated on
France 4; The Beast Below and Victory of the Daleks 
both repeated on BBC America; A Town Called Mercy repeated on
BBC Polska HD; The Bells of Saint John repeated on Syfy (Spa);
The Time of the Doctor repeated on Syfy (Aus); In the Forest of
the Night repeated on TV Cultura; The Witch's Familiar repeated
on BBC First (ME); and Face the Raven repeated on BBC
Entertainment AP
2017 The Space Museum, Episode 4: The Final Phase, The Chase,
Episode 1: The ExecutionersKinda, Part 4 and The Visitation, Part 1 
all repeated on Retro TV; The Satan Pit, Love & Monsters, Fear Her,
Army of Ghosts and Doomsday all repeated on FX (Ind); Forest 
of the Dead, Nightmare in Silver and The Name of the Doctor all
repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Big Bang and A Christmas Carol both
 repeated on Syfy (LA); Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs
on a Spaceship both repeated on France 4; Cold War, Hide and
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS all repeated on BBC
Polska HD; The Crimson Horror repeated on BBC Polska HD and
Syfy (Aus); The Magician's Apprentice and The Husbands of River 
Song both repeated on Syfy (Bra); The Woman Who Lived and 
The Zygon Invasion both repeated on BBC Entertainment EU;
and The Zygon Inversion repeated on BBC Entertainment EU
BBC First (RSA)
2018 - The Claws of Axos, Episode 4 and Colony in Space,
Episode 1 both repeated on KBTC; Horror of Fang Rock
Omnibus repeated on MPTV; Underworld Omnibus repeated
on WSRE; The Ribos Operation, Parts 2 and 3 and Destiny
 of the Daleks Omnibus all repeated on Retro TV; The Pirate
 PlanetPart 4 repeated on KPTS; The Horns of Nimon Omnibus
repeated on WFWA; Meglos Omnibus  repeated on WILL;
Warriors' Gate Omnibus repeated on KAKMThe Girl in the
Fireplace repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Satan Pit, Love &
Monsters, Fear Her and Army of Ghosts all repeated on 
and W HD; The Sontaran Stratagem and The Poison Sky both 
repeated on Star World Premiere; Flesh and Stone repeated on 
ABC; Cold War and The Rings of Akhaten both repeated on Syfy
 (LA); Deep Breath repeated on BBC First (ME); and Flatline,
In the Forest of the Night and Dark Water all repeated on
2019 The Masque of Mandragora Omnibus repeated on
Retro TV; and The Angels Take Manhattan repeated on BBC 
Polska HD
2020 The Romans Omnibus repeated on KVCR; The Tomb
of the CybermenEpisode 4 and The DominatorsEpisode 1
both repeated on Retro TV; MidnightTurn Left and The Stolen
Earth all repeated on One ARD; The Pandorica Opens repeated
on BBC Polska HD; Cold War repeated on Syfy (Fra); The
Pyramid at the End of the World repeated on Star World
Premiere HD; and The Eaters of Light repeated on ABC
2021 - The Time Monster, Episodes
and 6 both repeated on Retro TV;
The Sound of Drums repeated on
ABC2; and Robot of Sherwood
repeated on BBC Polska HD
2022 The Leisure HiveParts 3 and
4 both repeated on Retro TV; The End
of the World repeated on Fox SciFi;
Boom Town repeated on Syfy (Fra);
Extremis repeated on BBC Polska HD;
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror repeated
on BBC First Turkey; Ascension of the
Cybermen repeated on ABC2; and The
Halloween Apocalypse repeated on BBC
2023 Boom Town and Bad Wolf both
repeated on Fox SciFi; Journey to the
Centre of the TARDIS repeated on ABC2;
and The Eternity Cage broadcast on Radio
4 Extra
2024 Terror of the Zygons, Parts
and 4 both repeated on KBTC

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