Friday, 28 February 2025

Doctor Who On This Day #59


1912 - Director Reginald Mervyn
Pinfield born in Evesham, Worcs.
1966 - The Dalek Invasion of EarthEpisode
6: Flashpoint and The RomansEpisode 3:
Conspiracy both repeated and The Web
PlanetEpisode 3: Escape to Danger first
screened, all on ABC
1968 - The Crusade, Episode 3: The Wheel of Fortune,
The Space Museum, Episode 3: The SearchThe Chase,
Episode 3: Flight Through EternityThe Time Meddler,
Episode 1: The Watcher and Galaxy 4, Episode 1: Four
Hundred Dawns all repeated on ABC
1969 - Composer Murray Gold born in
1970 - Doctor Who and the Silurians,
Episode 5 first screened on BBC1
1976 The Seeds of Doom, Part 5
first screened on BBC1
1978 Pyramids of Mars, Part 2 repeated 
and The Android Invasion, Part 1 first
screened, both on ABC
1979 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 1 repeated 
and Part 3 first screened, both on ABC
1980 Robot, Part 3 first screened on
WTTW 11; and City of DeathPart first
screened on ABC
1981 - Logopolis, Part 1 first screened
 on BBC1
1983 The Leisure Hive Omnibus
repeated on WTTW 11
1984 - The Ark in SpacePart 4 repeated
 on KQED Plus; and Image of thFendahl,
Part 1 repeated on ABC
1985 Inferno, Episode 2 repeated
on KQED Plus
1986 - The Power of Kroll, Part 4
repeated on KQED Plus
1987 The War Machines, Episode 4 repeated on KQED Plus;
and Mindwarp, Parts 7 and 8 both first screened on ABC
1988 The Krotons Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus; and 
The Ark in SpacePart 2 repeated on Super Channel UK
1989 The Mutants, Episode 2 repeated on KQED Plus;
and Revenge of the Cybermen, Part 1 repeated on ABC
1990 Snakedance, Part 1 repeated on KQED Plus
1991 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 2 repeated on KQED Plus
1992 - The Mind Robber, Episode 5 repeated on BBC2; and 
The Ambassadors of Death, Episode 1 repeated on KQED Plus
1993 Spearhead from Space Omnibus repeated on UK Gold
1994 Underworld, Part 3 repeated on UK Gold; and
TimelashPart 4 (of 4) and Revelation of the Daleks,
Part 1 (of 4) both repeated on ABC
1995 Revelation of the Daleks, Part 2 first
screened on VOX; and Delta and the
Bannermen, Part 2 repeated on UK Gold
1997 The Mutants, Episode 1 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1998 The Seeds of Death, Episode 1 first screened on
Space; and Time Flight Omnibus repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1999 Inferno, Episode 7 and Terror of the Autons, Part
1 both repeated on WCET; The Mind of Evil Omnibus
repeated on NHPTV; Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Parts 4
and 5 both repeated on LPB; Robot, Part 1 repeated on
Lakeshore PTV; Terror of the Zygons Omnibus repeated
on UK Gold; Horror of Fang Rock Omnibus repeated on
WQED; The Armageddon Factor Omnibus repeated on
KSPS; Snakedance, Part 1 repeated on WUSF; and 
Survival, Parts 2 and 3 both repeated on KBTC
2000 The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode
1: World's End repeated on UKTV (Aus); and
The Silurians, Episode 5 repeated on Space
2001 The Android Invasion, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on 
Prime; The Deadly Assassin, Part 1 repeated on UKTV (Aus) and
Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on BBC America; and Arc of Infinity,
Part 2 repeated on BBC Prime
2002 - Genesis of the DaleksPart 1 repeated on BBC
Kids (Can); and MindwarpPart 8 repeated on BBC Prime
2003 - The Robots of Death, Parts 1
and 2 both repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2004 The Ark in Space Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;
The Mind of Evil, Episode 6 repeated on Colorado PTV; and 
SnakedanceParts 1 and 2 both repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2005 Horror of Fang Rock, Part 3 repeated on ABC
2007 - The Parting of the Ways first screened on BBC America
2009 Time and the Rani, Parts 3 and 4, Paradise Towers and 
Delta and the Bannermen Omnibuses and Dragonfire, Part 1 all 
repeated on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; The Empty Child and Doctor 
Who Confidential Cutdown: Special Effects both repeated on 
UKTV (Aus); Bad Wolf repeated on Syfy (FRG); The Parting
 of the Ways repeated on WQLN, Syfy (Rus) and Syfy (FRG);
The Christmas Invasion repeated on KQED Plus; The
Idiot's LanternThe Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit
all repeated on Syfy (Spa); Doomsday repeated  on OETA;
Evolution of the Daleks and Doctor Who Confidential: 
Making Manhattan both repeated on WGVU; and The
Lazarus Experiment repeated on HRT2
2010 The Girl in the Fireplace repeated on WTVP; The Satan
 Pit repeated on Ozarks PTV; Gridlock first screened on WVPB; 
Human Nature repeated and Doctor Who Confidential: Alter
Ego first
screened, both on WXXI; The Family of Blood repeated on WTTW 
11; The Fires of Pompeii and Doctor Who Confidential; The Italian 
Job both first screened on MPTV; The Poison Sky and Doctor Who 
Confidential: Sontar-Ha! both first screened on KERA; The Unicorn
 and the Wasp and Doctor Who Confidential: Nemesis both first 
screened on Houston PM; Forest of the Dead and Doctor Who 
Confidential: River Runs Deep both first screened on Idaho
PTV; and Planet of the Dead repeated on Syfy (Ben)
2011 The Brain of Morbius, Episode 1 repeated on Radio 7;
The Masque of Mandragora, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on
MTV3 SciFi, TV2 and TV4; The Stolen Earth repeated on 
WGVU; and Journey's End and Doctor Who Confidential:
The End of an Era both repeated on WTTW 11
2012 Fear Her repeated on BBC America; Voyage of the 
Damned repeated on ABC2; The Stolen Earth repeated on 
Watch; Christmas Carol and Doctor Who Confidential 
Cutdown: The End of an Era both repeated on UKTV (Aus);
and Resistance is Useless repeated on MTV3 SciFi and TV4
2013 -  Voyage of the Damned repeated on UKTV (NZ);
Midnight repeated on Watch; and Amy's Choice and
The Beast Below both repeated on BBC America
2014 The Sun Makers, Parts 1 and 2 and The Visitation,
 Parts 3 and 4 all repeated on Syfy (Aus); Fear Her and
Army of Ghosts both repeated on BBC America; Blink
and Utopia both repeated on Really; Turn Left both
repeated on France 4; The Eleventh Hour and The 
Beast Below both repeated on BBC3; The Vampires
of Venice repeated on Syfy (Port); The Hungry
Earth and Doctor Who Confidential: After Effects
both repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska
HD; The Girl Who Waited repeated on Watch; and
Cold War repeated on Ztélé
2015 - Colony in Space, Episodes 2 to 5 all repeated on Retro
 TV; The Time Warrior Omnibus repeated on Horror; Genesis 
of the Daleks, Parts 1 and 2, The Poison Sky, The Doctor's 
Daughter, The 
Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead
all repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Androids of Tara, Parts 3 and 4 both
first screened on Retro TV; Love & Monsters repeated on KCPT2;
Blink repeated on UKTV (NZ); The End of Time,  Parts 1 and 2 both 
repeated on BBC Entertainment EU, Romania and ME; The
Hungry Earth repeated on Jeem TV (ME); The Impossible 
AstronautThe Curse of the Black Spot and The Doctor's Wife
 all repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD; The Girl Who 
Waited and The God Complex both repeated on Space; Into the 
Dalek repeated on TLC TV; The Caretaker repeated on RAI4;
and Doctor Who Confidential: River Runs Wild repeated on
BBC Entertainment AP
2016 The Romans, Episodes 3 and 4 both repeated on Retro
 TV; The Mind of EvilEpisodes 3 to 6 all repeated on WVPB; 
Pyramids of Mars, Part 4 repeated on KRWG; The Hand of Fear,
Parts 3 and 4
both repeated on KPTS; The Mysterious Planet, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on KBTC; Human Nature and The Family of Blood both 
repeated EBRU; The Wedding of River Song repeated on Syfy (Aus);
 Dinosaurs on a Spaceship repeated on Watch; A Town Called Mercy 
and The Power of Three both repeated on BBC Polska HD; Hide 
repeated on Iowa PTV; Deep Breath repeated on Idaho PTV and 
Syfy (Aus); Robot of Sherwood repeated on MPTV; Time Heist 
repeated on KLRU; The Caretaker repeated on WPT; Kill the Moon 
repeated on KERA; Mummy on the Orient Express repeated on 
KCPT; In the Forest of the Night repeated on WILL and WXXI;
Death in Heaven repeated on OETA; The Witch's Familiar and 
Under the Lake both repeated on BBC First (ME); Before the
Flood repeated on BBC First (Ben); Sleep No More and Face the 
Raven both repeated on BBC America; Heaven Sent repeated 
on BBC Entertainment AP; and An Adventure in Space and 
Time repeated on RAI4
2017 The Silurians, Episode 2 repeated on The Zone; The
Visitation, Parts and 3 both repeated on Retro TV; Smith
and Jones repeated on FX (Ind); The Time of Angels repeated
on Syfy (Aus); Amy's Choice, 
The Hungry EarthCold Blood, Vincent and the Doctor and The 
Pandorica Opens all repeated on BBC America; The Lodger repeated 
on BBC America and Syfy (Aus); The Angels Take Manhattan, The 
Bells of Saint John and The Zygon Invasion all repeated on Syfy 
(Bra); Into the Dalek and Robot of Sherwood both repeated on
BBC Polska HD; and Last Christmas repeated on France 4
2018 The Idiot's Lantern repeated on Syfy (Aus); Silence in
the Library repeated on Star World Premiere; The Hungry Earth
 repeated on ABC and ABC ME; The Big Bang and The Impossible 
Astronaut both repeated on RAI4; Into the Dalek repeated on 
BBC Polska HD; Listen repeated on BBC First (ME); and
Extremis repeated on Syfy (Bra)
2019 - The Tsuranga Conundrum first
screened on Fox (FRG); and The Battle of
Ranskoor Av Kolos repeated on BBC First
2020 The Mind Robber, Episodes 1 and
2 both repeated on Retro TV; The Crimson
Horror repeated on Syfy (Fra); The Eaters
of Light repeated on Star World Premiere;
The Doctor Falls repeated on ABC; and
Ascension of the Cybermen first screened
on YLE TV2 and repeated on ABC ME
2021 The Time Meddler, Episodes 3 and
4 and The Curse of FenricParts 1 and 2 all
repeated on Retro TV; The Two Doctors,
Parts and 6 (of 6) both repeated on
KBTC; New EarthTooth and Claw,
Kerblam!The Witchfinders and It Takes
You Away all repeated on W; The Battle
of Ranskoor Av Kolos repeated on W and
 One ARD; and Resolution repeated on
2025 - The Savages Omnibus first
screened at BFI Southbank

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