Saturday, 1 March 2025

Doctor Who Vs. Marple: The Sittaford Mystery

This period crime drama was first shown in April
2006 - it concluded ITV Studio's second season of
Miss Marple adaptations. 
Published in 1931, the original novel actually
featured Agatha Christie's other early amateur
detectives, Emily Trefusis, Charles Enderby and DI
Narracott (in their only literary outing), not Jane
Marple (played here by Geraldine McEwan). This
Golden Age mystery shares many aspects with
Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles, and
was issued in America as The Murder at Hazelmoor.
Repeated on ITV3 today, the case featured Robert
Hardy, Mel Smith, Rita Tushingham, Patricia Hodge,
and fifteen Doctor Who cast and crew connections:

  • prolific Big Finish actor Ian Hallard (Reporter here; Drake in Hallowe'en Party; Mercutio in The Big Four) voiced Sabian for Primeval (2001), Mouse/Winkler/Heavy for Invaders from Mars, the Matrix for Neverland (both 2002), Zeuro for A Storm of Angels, Castellan Wynter for Gallifrey 2 (both 2005), Joseph Banks for The Transit of Venus, Captain Cannibal/Suit for Izzy's Story, John Polidori for Mary's Story, Chessman for Cyberman (all 2009), Duncan for An Earthly Child (2010), Comtech Bron Kell for Time's Horizon, and Davent for Destroy the Infinite (both 2014) - he also depicted Richard Martin (pictured) in An Adventure in Space and Time, was Alan-a-Dale in Robot of Sherwood, and Gary Talbot in Global Conspiracy?
  • Carey [Hannah] Mulligan (Violet) was Sally Sparrow in Blink
  • Michael Brandon [born Feldman] (Zimmerman) was General Sanchez in The Stolen Earth, then voiced CP Doveday for Lurkers at Sunlight's Edge (2010), and Narrator/Train driver for Calamity Jenny (2021)
  • Timothy [Peter] Dalton (Trevelyan here; Archie Christie in Agatha) was Lord President Rassilon in The End of Time
  • Michael [John] Attwell (Stone) was Isbur in The Ice Warriors, and Bates in Attack of the Cybermen
  • James Wilby (Kirkwood here; Restarick in Third Girl; Farraday in Sparkling Cyanide, 2003) voiced Tenebris for The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Heart (both 2012), and Professor John Torrance for The Sontaran Project (2018)
  • Paul Kaye (Dr. Burt) was Albar Prentis in Under the Lake and Before the Flood
  • Matthew [David] Kelly (Garfield) voiced Michelangelo for Fallen Angels (2016)
  • for writer Stephen Churchett see The Murder at the Vicarage
  • for Marcus Catlin, Garry Dawson and John Cooling see Sleeping Murder
  • for Scott Bates see 4.50 from Paddington
  • for Damien Timmer and Nigel Squibbs see The Body in the Library

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