Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Doctor Who On This Day #64

1932 - Designer Stuart Walker born
in Britain
1965 - 100,000 BC, Episode 1: An
Unearthly Child repeated on TV2; and
The Daleks, Episodes 3 and 4 both
repeated on ABC
1966 The Ark, Episode 1: The Steel
Sky first screened on BBC1
1968 - The Space Museum, Episode 2:
The Dimensions of TimeThe Chase,
Episodes 2 and 6, The Time Meddler,
Episode 4: Checkmate and Galaxy 4,
Episode 4: The Exploding Planet all
repeated on ABC
1972 - Writer James Moran born in York;
and The Seeds of DeathEpisode 2
 repeated on ABC
1974 - Actor Matthew Richard Lucas
born in Paddington
1977 - The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Part
2 first screened on BBC1
1978 - Colony in Space, Episode 1 first
screened on KBS1
1979 The Invisible Enemy, Part 3
repeated and Image of the Fendahl,
Part  1 first screened, both on ABC
1980 The Ark in Space, Part 3 first 
screened on WTTW 11; and The Creature
from the Pit, Part 3 first screened on ABC
1982 - The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Part
 4 repeated on KQED Plus
1983 - The Sun Makers Omnibus repeated
on WTTW 11; and The Horns of Nimon,
Part 3 repeated on KQED Plus
1984 The Face of Evil Omnibus repeated
on WTTW 11; and Warriors of the Deep,
Part 1 first screened on ABC
1985 - Inferno, Episode 5 repeated on KQED Plus
1986 - The Ambassadors of Death, Episode
1 repeated on ABC; and The Armageddon
 Factor, Part 3 repeated on KQED Plus
1987 The Dominators, Episode 3 repeated on KQED Plus
1988 The Ark in Space, Part 2 repeated on Super Channel;
The Androids of Tara, Part 3 repeated on KQED Plus; and
Nightmare of Eden Omnibus repeated on ABC
1989 Terror of the Zygons, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated
 on Super Channel; and Warriors of the Deep Omnibus
repeated on KQED Plus
1991 Image of the Fendahl, Part
repeated on KQED Plus
1992 - The Ambassadors of Death,
Episode 5 repeated on KQED Plus
1993 - The Caves of Androzani, Part
3 repeated on BBC2
1994 The Seeds of Doom Omnibus
repeated on KQED Plus
1995 The Curse of Fenric Omnibus
repeated on UK Gold
1997 The Mutants, Episode 4
repeated on UKTV (Aus) 
1998 The Seeds of Death, Episode
5 first screened on Space; and
SnakedancePart 1 repeated on
UKTV (Aus)
1999 The Tomb of the Cybermen, Episode
2 repeated on UKTV (Aus); and The Seeds
of Death, Episode 5 repeated on Space
2000 The Ambassadors of Death, Episode
 4 repeated on Space; Invasion of the
DinosaursParts 1 and 2 both repeated on 
KBTC; Planet of the SpidersParts 4 to 6 all 
repeated on WCET; The Ark in Space, Parts
3 and both repeated on NHPTV; The Sontaran 
Experiment, Part 2 repeated on KUED; The Brain of Morbius 
Omnibus repeated on KRWG; The Seeds of Doom, Parts 4 to 6
all repeated on Twin Cities PTV and Omnibus repeated on KRWG;
The Masque of Mandragora, Part 1 repeated on Twin Cities PTV;
The Deadly Assassin, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on Lakeshore
PTV; The Face of Evil Omnibus repeated on KNME; The Stones of
Blood, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on MiND; The Power of Kroll 
Omnibus repeated on MPT; The Leisure Hive, Part 1 repeated on 
BBC Prime; The Caves of Androzani Omnibus repeated on UK
Gold; Vengeance on Varos, Part 1 (of 4) repeated on WUSF;
and The Happiness Patrol Omnibus repeated on KSPS
2001 The Rescue Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus;
The Seeds of DoomParts 1 and 2 both repeated on
Prime and Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on BBC
America; and The Deadly Assassin, Part 4 repeated
on UKTV (Aus)
2002 Genesis of the Daleks, Part 4
repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2003 The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Parts
3 and 4 both repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2004 Terminus, Parts 1 and 2 both
repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
 2005 The Sun Makers Omnibus
repeated on UK Gold
2006 Terror of the Autons repeated on UK Gold;
and The Claws of Axos Omnibus repeated on MPT
2007 The Doctor Dances repeated on
People+ Arts; Bad Wolf repeated on Prime;
and The Age of Steel first screened on Yes
2008 - The Edge of Destruction Omnibus
first screened on MTV3 SciFi and TV4
2009 Silver Nemesis, Parts 1 and 2 both first
screened on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; and 42 and Doctor
 Who Confidential: Space Craft both repeated on BBC3
2010 Doomsday repeated on HRT2
and Syfy (Spa)
2011 The Brain of Morbius, Episode 5 repeated on Radio
7; The Deadly Assassin, Part 2 repeated on MTV3 SciFi,
TV2 and TV4; and Vincent and the Doctor and The Lodger
both first screened on France 4
2012 The Girl in the Fireplace repeated on Watch; and
The Sontaran Stratagem and Doctor Who Confidential
Cutdown: Send in the Clones both repeated on ABC2
2013 Planet of the Ood repeated on UKTV (NZ);
Journey's End repeated on Watch; and Amy's Choice
 and The Hungry Earth both repeated on BBC America
2014 Underworld, Parts 3 and 4 and Earthshock, Parts
3 and 4 all repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Runaway Bride
repeated on Fox (FRG); GridlockDaleks in Manhattan
and Evolution of the 
Daleks all repeated on BBC America; The Fires of Pompeii
 repeated on TV3; The Eleventh Hour repeated on France 4;
Cold Blood repeated on Syfy (Port); The Wedding of River Song 
repeated on Watch; The Bells of Saint John repeated on Syfy 
(Ben); Nightmare in Silver repeated on BBC Entertainment LA
HD; The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor, Episode
1 repeated on Jeem TV (ME); and Doctor Who Confidential 
Cutdown: When Time Froze repeated on UKTV (Aus)
2015 The Sea Devils, Episodes 5 and 6 both repeated
 on Retro TV; The Sun Makers, Parts 2 and 3 both repeated
on Horror; The 
Invasion of Time, Part 1 and Partners in Crime both repeated on
Syfy (Aus); The Armageddon Factor, Parts 1 and 2 both first
screened on Retro TV; The Parting of the Ways repeated on 
Watch; The Hungry Earth repeated on Jeem TV (ME); The
Curse of the Black Spot repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC
Polska HD; Nightmare in Silver repeated on BBC America; and
Kill the Moon repeated on Fox (FRG)
2016 - The Daleks, Episode 3: The Escape repeated on
 KMOS; The Leisure Hive, Parts 1 and 2 and State of Decay,
Parts 1 and 2
all repeated on Retro TV; Rose, The End of the World and Death
 in Heaven all repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Christmas Invasion,
New Earth and Tooth and Claw all repeated on BBC Entertainment
AP; The Sound of Drums, Last of the Time Lords, The Almost
People, A Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill HitlerNight Terrors and The Girl Who Waited all repeated on France 4; The 
Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks, The Time 
of Angels and Flesh and Stone all repeated on Einsfestival; The 
Lodger repeated on Jeem TV (ME); A Town Called Mercy,
The Doctors Revisited: The First Doctor and The Companions all
repeated on Watch; The Angels Take Manhattan, The Bells of 
Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten, Cold War and Hide all repeated
 on BBC
Polska HD; Nightmare in Silver repeated on Syfy (Spain); The Day 
of the Doctor, Deep Breath and The Witch's Familiar all repeated 
on Syfy (Bra); Into the Dalek repeated on Syfy (LA); Robot
of Sherwood repeated on BBC First (RSA), Syfy (Bra) and 
Syfy (LA); Listen repeated on BBC First (RSA); Mummy
on the Orient Express repeated on WGVU; Flatline and
In the Forest of 
the Night both repeated on BBC Entertainment EU; Dark Water 
repeated on Syfy (Aus) and Syfy (Bra); The Magician's Apprentice
 first screened on Syfy (LA); The Girl Who Died and The Woman 
Who Lived both repeated on BBC First (Ben); Sleep No More 
repeated on Fox (FRG) and TLC TV; Face the Raven and Heaven 
Sent both repeated on Fox; Hell Bent and The Husbands of River
 Song both repeated on BBC Entertainment AP and Fox; and Doctor 
Who Explained repeated on Watch, Syfy (Bra) and Syfy (LA)
2017 The Web Planet, Episodes 3 and 4 both repeated on
KBTC; The Chase, Episode 6: Planet of Decision and The Time 
Meddler, Episode 1: The Watcher both repeated on Retro TV;
The Silurians
Episodes 1 to 5 all repeated on The Zone; Genesis of the Daleks
Parts 4 to 6 all repeated on WYCC; Pyramids of MarsPart 1 
repeated on KRWG; The Stones of Blood Omnibus repeated on 
WILL; The Power of Kroll Omnibus repeated on Iowa PTV; The 
Keeper of Traken Omnibus repeated on Idaho PTV; Smith and 
JonesThe Shakespeare Code, Gridlock and Daleks in Manhattan 
all repeated on FX (Ind); The Eleventh Hour and The Beast Below 
both repeated on W; Amy's Choice and The Lodger both repeated 
on Syfy (Aus); The Wedding of River Song repeated on TLC TV;
Time Heist and The Caretaker both repeated on BBC Polska HD;
Kill the Moon and Mummy on the Orient Express both repeated on
BBC Polska HD and Fox (FRG); Flatline repeated on BBC Polska HD
and Syfy (Bra); In the Forest of the Night and The Zygon Invasion
 both repeated on Syfy (Bra); and The Zygon Inversion and Sleep 
No More both repeated on BBC Entertainment EU
2018 - Warriors of the Deep Omnibus repeated on PBS North;
 ThUltimate Foe Omnibus repeated on WETA-UK; Love &
Monsters repeated on Syfy (Aus); Midnight repeated on Star 
World Premiere; The Lodger repeated on ABC and ABC ME;
The Almost People and A Good Man Goes to War both repeated 
on RAI4; Time Heist repeated on BBC America and BBC Polska 
HD; The Caretaker and Kill the Moon both repeated
on BBC America; Flatline repeated on BBC First (ME);
and The Lie of the Land and Empress of Mars both
repeated on Syfy (Bra)
2019 - Writer Musa Moris Farhi MBE died, aged 83; The
Crimson Horror and Nightmare in Silver both repeated on
 One ARD; Deep Breath and Doctor Who Extra: Time Heist 
both repeated on BBC Polska HD; The Lie of the Land
repeated on Syfy (Aus); and Resolution repeated on BBC
First (ME)
2020 The Krotons, Episode 4 and The Seeds of Death,
Episode 1 both repeated on Retro TV; The Curse of the
Black Spot repeated on BBC Polska HD; The Time of the
Doctor repeated on Syfy (Fra); World Enough and Time
and The Doctor Falls both repeated on Fox (FRG); and
The Timeless Children first screened on ABC
2021 The Green Death, Episodes 3 and
both repeated on Retro TV; The Sontaran
 Stratagem repeated on ABC2; A Town Called 
Mercy repeated on Syfy (Fra); and Flatline
repeated on BBC Polska HD
2022 The War Games, Episode 10
 repeated on ONS; Terror of the Zygons,
Parts 2 to 4 and The Robots of Death,
Part 1 all repeated on Forces TV;
Warriors' Gate Omnibus and The
Caves of AndrozaniParts 1 and 2 both
repeated on Retro TV; Revelation of
the Daleks Omnibus screened at BFI
Southbank; The PilotSmileThin Ice,
Knock KnockOxygen and Extremis all
repeated on Fox SciFi; The Pyramid at
the End of the WorldThe Lie of the
Land and Empess of Mars all repeated
on BBC Polska HD; Rosa and Arachnids
in the UK both repeated on BBC
Entertainment EU; and Ascension of
the Cybermen repeated on BBC First
2023 - The Claws of Axos, Episodes 1
and 2 both repeated on KBTC; School
 Reunion and The Girl in the Fireplace
both repeated on Fox SciFi; and Eye of
Harmony, Part 2 repeated on Radio 4
202Evolution of the Daleks repeated
on ABC Entertains; and Amy's Choice and
The Hungry Earth both repeated on ABC

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