based detective, Endeavour Morse, in March
2019. Series six again starred Roger Allam,
Anton Lesser, Sean Rigby, and James Bradshaw.
Now set in 1969, the acclaimed Inspector Morse
prequel drama (a Mammoth Screen and Master-
piece co-production) introduced Simon Harrison and Richard Riddell as corrupt officers, DCI Box
and DS Jago.
A repeat run of the four-part season (again all
written by Russell Lewis) began on ITV3 last
night - it featured a total of fifteen Doctor Who
cast and crew connections:
- Simon Hepworth (Tingwell) voiced Miles McLellan/Pandora/Server/Orderly for Big Finish's Open the Box (2018)
- Roger May (Dr. Sheridan here; Quinn in The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn, 1996) was Len in An Adventure in Space and Time, then voiced Cornelius Morningstar/Verdarn for How to Make a Killing in Time Travel, Sergeant Brundle/Simon/Fisherman/Jasper for Hosts of the Wirrn (both 2018), Mac Foley for The False Guardian and Time's Assassin (both 2019), and Rann/Voc for Circuit Breaker (2020)
- Kit Young (Chris) voiced Trestor for The Shadow Squad (2021), and Sam Kraven for The Stuntman (2022)
- Mike Grady (Croglin) voiced Hardwick for Jago & Litefoot 4 (2012)
- for Richard Price see Series 5
Apollo (TX: February 17)
- Matthew Cottle (Slayton) voiced Paine for The Satanic Mill (2015), Hargreaves for Aquitaine, Leith for The Shadow Vortex, Henry Clarke for Quicksilver (all 2016), Maxwell Wilberforce Bell for Subterranea, Ben Donelly for Invocation, and Overseer for The Sontaran Project (all 2017)
- Robert Hands (Eric) was Algy in The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, then voiced Captain Solex for The War Doctor 2, Pope Leo X for The Ravelli Conspiracy, Daniel Defoe/Barkeep for The Eye of the Storm (all 2016), Lagrange for Fields of Terror, and Major Hardy/ Crewman for Storm of the Horofax (both 2017)
- Sophie Winkleman (Isobel) voiced Kelly Westwood for The Eight Truths and Worldwide Web (2009), Rachel Allan for Torchwood One (2017), and Sofia Cozzi for Serpent in the Silver Mask (2018)
- Blake [Adam] Ritson (Van Horne) voiced Instructor Shibac for The Foe from the Future (2011), Hurmzid for Gods and Monsters (2012), Captain James Astor for Manhunt, Terrance Fleischer for Peshka (both 2013), Pilot Kellaway for Last of the Colophon (2014), Georges Legrand for The Monster of Montmartre, Litefoot for The Year of the Bat (both 2015), Rudolph for Death and the Queen (2016), Elmore for The False Guardian and Time's Assassin (both 2019), and Major McLinn for The Trojan Dalek (2021)
- Nick Kray was also ADR mixer on The Tsuranga Conundrum, Demons of the Punjab, The Witchfinders and It Takes You Away
- Christopher Harper (Hazel) voiced Kaled Guard for From the Flames, Berserker for Shockwave (both 2019), and Lazari Helosta/Horgee/ King Tremagi for Beauty on the Inside (2022)
- Christopher Bowen (Shepherd) was Mordred in Battlefield
Degúello (TX: March 3)
- Jamie Donoughue was also director of Destination: Skaro, The Legend of Ruby Sunday, Empire of Death and Tales of the TARDIS: Pyramids of Mars
- Michael Jenn (Page) was Clarence DeMarco in The Name of the Doctor
- Ian Saynor (Jenkins) was Merak in The Armageddon Factor, and voiced Colbourne for The Hope (2019)
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