1965 - The Daleks, Episode 4: The Ambush
first screened on ABC
1968 - The Web of Fear, Episode 5 first
screened on BBC1
1969 - The Time Meddler, Episode 4: Checkmate, Galaxy
1969 - The Time Meddler, Episode 4: Checkmate, Galaxy
4, Episode 1: Four Hundred Dawns and The Myth Makers,
Episode 3: Death of a Spy repeated and The Massacre,
Episode 3: Priest of Death first screened, all on TV1; and
The Evil of the Daleks, Episodes 3 to 7 repeated and Fury
from the Deep, Episode 1 first screened, all on ABC
1973 - Colony in Space, Episode 5 repeated
and Episode 6 first screened, both on ABC
1974 - Death to the Daleks, Part
2 first screened on BBC1
1976 - The Ambassadors of Death,
Episodes 1 to 4 all repeated on WTTW
1978 - Pyramids of Mars, Part 4 repeated
and The Android Invasion, Part 3 first
screened, both on ABC
1979 - The Green Death, Episode
6 first screened on TV2
1981 - Genesis of the Daleks, Parts
4 to 6 all repeated on WTTW
1982 - The Robots of Death, Part 2 and
The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Part 1 both
repeated on KQED Plus; and Black Orchid,
Part 2 first screened on BBC1
1983 - Nightmare of Eden, Part 4 repeated
1983 - Nightmare of Eden, Part 4 repeated
on KQED Plus; and Enlightenment, Part 2
first screened on BBC1
1984 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part 1 repeated on KQED
Plus; Image of the Fendahl, Part 4 repeated on ABC;
and Planet of Fire, Part 4 first screened on BBC1
1985 - Inferno, Episode 4 repeated on KQED Plus;
and The Two Doctors, Part 3 first screened on BBC1
1986 - The Daemons Omnibus repeated
on KQED Plus
1987 - The Mutants, Episodes 1
1987 - The Mutants, Episodes 1
to 3 all repeated on WTTW 11
1988 - The Ark in Space, Part 1 repeated on TV de Galicia;
and The Stones of Blood, Part 4 repeated on KQED Plus
1989 - The Mutants, Episode 4 repeated on KQED Plus;
1989 - The Mutants, Episode 4 repeated on KQED Plus;
and Revenge of the Cybermen, Part 3 repeated on ABC
1990 - Snakedance, Part 3 repeated on KQED Plus
1991 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode 3: Day
1990 - Snakedance, Part 3 repeated on KQED Plus
1991 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode 3: Day
of Reckoning repeated on TV2; and The Invisible
Enemy, Part 4 and Warriors of the Deep Omnibus
both repeated on KQED Plus
1994 - The Invasion of Time, Part 1 repeated
on UK Gold; and Revelation of the Daleks, Part
3 (of 4) both repeated on ABC
1997 - The Ark in Space and The Sontaran
Experiment Omnibuses both repeated on UK Gold
1998 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 2 first screened on
Space; Terror of the Autons Omnibus repeated on KQED
Plus; and Arc of Infinity, Part 2 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1999 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 2 repeated on Space;
and The Two Doctors, Part 2 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
2000 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode 4: The End
of Tomorrow repeated on UKTV (Aus); The Ambassadors
of Death, Episode 1 repeated on Space; and Day of the
Daleks, Episode 4 first screened on TG4
2001 - The Brain of Morbius, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated
on Prime; The Deadly Assassin, Part 3 repeated on UKTV
(Aus); and The Invasion of Time, Parts 5 and 6 both
repeated on NHPTV
2002 - The Claws of Axos Omnibus repeated
on UK Gold; The Green Death Omnibus
repeated on KERA; Genesis of the Daleks,
Part 3 repeated on BBC Kids (Can); The
Part 3 repeated on BBC Kids (Can); The
Two Doctors Omnibus repeated on UKTV
(Aus); and Mindwarp, Parts 7 and 8 both
repeated on BBC Prime
repeated on BBC Prime
2003 - The Claws of Axos Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;
Planet of Evil, Part 1 repeated on WSKG; Destiny of the
Daleks, Part 4 and City of Death, Part 1 both repeated
on MiND; The Ribos Operation Omnibus repeated on
BBC Kids (Can); The Power of Kroll, Part 3 repeated
on WILL; Arc of Infinity Omnibus repeated on MPT;
Terror of the Vervoids, Part 9 repeated on NHPTV;
The Ultimate Foe Omnibus repeated on KBTC; and
Doctor Who TV Movie repeated on Syfy (RSA)
2004 - The Krotons, Episode 2 repeated on ABC; and
2004 - The Krotons, Episode 2 repeated on ABC; and
Snakedance, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on BBC Kids
2005 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 1 repeated on ABC
2006 - The Long Game first screened on People+ Arts
2007 - The Idiot's Lantern, The Impossible Planet and
2007 - The Idiot's Lantern, The Impossible Planet and
Doctor Who Confidential: The Writer's Tale all repeated
on BBC3
2008 - The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, Doctor Who
Confidential: Special Effects and Weird Science all repeated
on WGVU; and The Parting of the Ways and Doctor Who
Confidential: The Last Battle both repeated on WEDU
2009 - Dragonfire, Parts 2 and 3 both first screened on
MTV3 SciFi and TV4; Fear Her first screened on Syfy
(Spa); and Evolution of the Daleks and Doctor Who
Confidential: Making Manhattan both repeated on BBC3
2010 - The Empty Child and Doctor Who
Confidential Cutdown: Special Effects both
repeated on UKTV (Aus); The Satan Pit
repeated on WTTW Prime; Love &
Monsters repeated on Syfy (Spa);
The Fires of Pompeii and Doctor Who
Confidential: The Italian Job both
repeated on BBC3; and The Sarah Jane
Adventures: The Wedding of Sarah Jane
Smith, Episode 2 first screened on
Nickelodeon (Aus)
2011 - The Brain of Morbius, Episode 3 repeated on Radio 7;
The Hand of Fear, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on MTV3 SciFi,
TV2 and TV4; and The Doctor's Daughter repeated on Space
The Hand of Fear, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on MTV3 SciFi,
TV2 and TV4; and The Doctor's Daughter repeated on Space
2012 - School Reunion repeated on Watch; The Runaway
Bride repeated on BBC America; Evolution of the Daleks and
The Lazarus Experiment both repeated on BBC3; and Planet
of the Ood and Doctor Who Confidential: Oods and Ends
Bride repeated on BBC America; Evolution of the Daleks and
The Lazarus Experiment both repeated on BBC3; and Planet
of the Ood and Doctor Who Confidential: Oods and Ends
both repeated on ABC2
2013 - The Age of Steel repeated on UKTV (NZ); The Curse
of the Black Spot repeated on Fox (FRG); Let's Kill Hitler
repeated on Syfy (Ben); and Closing Time repeated on BBC3
of the Black Spot repeated on Fox (FRG); Let's Kill Hitler
repeated on Syfy (Ben); and Closing Time repeated on BBC3
2014 - The Sun Makers, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on Syfy
(Aus); New Earth and Tooth and Claw both repeated on RAI4;
The Family of Blood, Blink, Utopia, The Sound of Drums, Last
of the Time Lords, Partners in Crime and The Infinity Quest all
repeated on Watch; Voyage of the Damned repeated on TV3
(Spa); The Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library and
Forest of the Dead all repeated on France 4; The Lodger
repeated on Jeem TV (UK); A Good Man Goes to War
The Family of Blood, Blink, Utopia, The Sound of Drums, Last
of the Time Lords, Partners in Crime and The Infinity Quest all
repeated on Watch; Voyage of the Damned repeated on TV3
(Spa); The Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library and
Forest of the Dead all repeated on France 4; The Lodger
repeated on Jeem TV (UK); A Good Man Goes to War
repeated on BBC Entertainment LA; The Doctor, the
Widow and the Wardrobe repeated on UKTV (NZ); and
A Town Called Mercy repeated on UKTV (Aus)
2015 - The Tomb of the Cybermen Omnibus
and The Doctor Dances both repeated on
Watch; The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Part
6 and Horror of Fang Rock, Part 1 both
repeated on Horror; Underworld,
Part 4 and The Sound of Drums both repeated on Syfy (Aus); The
Girl in the Fireplace and Rise of the Cybermen both repeated on
EBRU; Forest of the Dead, Midnight, The Stolen Earth, Journey's
End, The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, and
The End of Time, Parts 1 and 2 all repeated on BBC America; The
Girl in the Fireplace and Rise of the Cybermen both repeated on
EBRU; Forest of the Dead, Midnight, The Stolen Earth, Journey's
End, The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, and
The End of Time, Parts 1 and 2 all repeated on BBC America; The
Name of the Doctor repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska
HD; Kill the Moon first screened on KBS1; Mummy on the Orient
Express repeated on BBC Entertainment LA; and In the Forest
of the Night and Dark Water both repeated on BBC
HD; Kill the Moon first screened on KBS1; Mummy on the Orient
Express repeated on BBC Entertainment LA; and In the Forest
of the Night and Dark Water both repeated on BBC
Entertainment AP
2016 - The Stones of Blood Omnibus repeated on Horror;
The Leisure Hive, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on Retro TV;
The End of the World repeated on TV Cultura; The Christmas
Invasion repeated on BBC Entertainment AP; Tooth and Claw
and Doctor Who Confidential: Friends Reunited both repeated
on ABC2; Blink repeated on Syfy (Aus); Flesh and Stone and
The Vampires of Venice both repeated on Einsfestival; The
Hungry Earth and Cold Blood both repeated on BBC America;
The Rings of Akhaten repeated on BBC Polska HD; Journey to
the Centre of the TARDIS repeated on Syfy (Spain); Listen
repeated on Syfy (Aus) and Syfy (LA); Time Heist repeated
on KLRU and Syfy (LA); The Caretaker repeated on Syfy (Bra)
and Syfy (LA); Kill the Moon repeated on Syfy (Bra); Mummy
on the Orient Express repeated on WGVU and Syfy (Bra); and
The Woman Who Lived repeated on BBC First (ME)
The Leisure Hive, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on Retro TV;
The End of the World repeated on TV Cultura; The Christmas
Invasion repeated on BBC Entertainment AP; Tooth and Claw
and Doctor Who Confidential: Friends Reunited both repeated
on ABC2; Blink repeated on Syfy (Aus); Flesh and Stone and
The Vampires of Venice both repeated on Einsfestival; The
Hungry Earth and Cold Blood both repeated on BBC America;
The Rings of Akhaten repeated on BBC Polska HD; Journey to
the Centre of the TARDIS repeated on Syfy (Spain); Listen
repeated on Syfy (Aus) and Syfy (LA); Time Heist repeated
on KLRU and Syfy (LA); The Caretaker repeated on Syfy (Bra)
and Syfy (LA); Kill the Moon repeated on Syfy (Bra); Mummy
on the Orient Express repeated on WGVU and Syfy (Bra); and
The Woman Who Lived repeated on BBC First (ME)
2017 - The Silurians, Episode 4 repeated on The Zone; Black
Orchid, Part 2 and Time Flight, Part 1 both repeated on Retro
TV; Gridlock repeated on FX (Ind); The Vampires of Venice
repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Rebel Flesh, The Almost People,
A Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill Hitler, Night Terrors and
The Girl Who Waited all repeated on BBC America; Hide,
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, Robot of Sherwood and
Listen all repeated on Syfy (Bra); The Time of the Doctor
repeated on France 4; The Caretaker and Kill the Moon both
repeated on BBC Polska HD; and Class, Episode 8 repeated
Orchid, Part 2 and Time Flight, Part 1 both repeated on Retro
TV; Gridlock repeated on FX (Ind); The Vampires of Venice
repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Rebel Flesh, The Almost People,
A Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill Hitler, Night Terrors and
The Girl Who Waited all repeated on BBC America; Hide,
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, Robot of Sherwood and
Listen all repeated on Syfy (Bra); The Time of the Doctor
repeated on France 4; The Caretaker and Kill the Moon both
repeated on BBC Polska HD; and Class, Episode 8 repeated
2018 - Horror of Fang Rock, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on
Jones! too; Terror of the Vervoids, Parts 9 and 10 both repeated
on Retro TV; Father's Day, The Empty Child and The Doctor
Dances all repeated on Syfy (Aus); Midnight repeated on Star
World Premiere; Vincent and the Doctor repeated on ABC and
ABC ME; The Doctor's Wife and The Rebel Flesh both repeated
on RAI4; Listen repeated on BBC Polska HD; The Caretaker
repeated on BBC First (ME); and The Lie of the Land repeated
on Syfy (Bra)
2019 - The Aztecs, Episodes 2 and 3 both repeated on Retro
TV; The Angels Take Manhattan and The Bells of Saint John
both repeated on BBC Polska HD; The Pyramid at the End
of the World repeated on Syfy (Bra); and The Battle of
Ranskoor Av Kolos and Resolution both repeated on RAI4
2020 - The Space Museum Omnibus repeated on KVCR; The
Tomb of the Cybermen, Episodes 3 and 4 both repeated on
Retro TV; Voyage of the Damned repeated on BBC America;
Nightmare in Silver repeated on Syfy (Fra); Empress of Mars
and The Eaters of Light both repeated on Fox (FRG); World
Enough and Time repeated on Star World Premiere HD; and
The Timeless Children first screened
2020 - The Space Museum Omnibus repeated on KVCR; The
Tomb of the Cybermen, Episodes 3 and 4 both repeated on
Retro TV; Voyage of the Damned repeated on BBC America;
Nightmare in Silver repeated on Syfy (Fra); Empress of Mars
and The Eaters of Light both repeated on Fox (FRG); World
Enough and Time repeated on Star World Premiere HD; and
The Timeless Children first screened
on BBC America and CTV SciFi
2022 - The War Games, Episode
10 repeated on ONS; The Robots
of Death, Parts 2 and 3 both
repeated on Forces TV; Full Circle,
Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on
Retro TV; World War Three repeated
on Fox SciFi; The Christmas Invasion
repeated on Syfy (Fra); Empress of
Mars repeated on BBC Polska HD;
Can You Hear Me? repeated on BBC
First Turkey; and The Halloween
Apocalypse repeated on ABC2
2025 - The Armageddon Factor, Parts
3 and 4 both repeated on KBTC; and
The Shakespeare Code repeated on
ABC Entertains
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