1951 - Director Chris Clough born
in Harrogate
1965 - The Daleks, Episode 5: The
Expedition first screened on ABC
1968 - The Web of Fear, Episode
6 first screened on BBC1
1969 - Galaxy 4, Episodes 1 and 2 and The Myth Makers,
Episode 4: Horse of Destruction repeated and The Massacre,
Episode 4: Bell of Doom first screened, all on TV1; and The
Evil of the Daleks, Episodes 4 to 7 repeated and Fury from
the Deep, Episode 1 repeated and Episode 2 first screened,
all on ABC
1973 - Colony in Space, Episode
6 repeated on ABC
1974 - Death to the Daleks, Part 3
first screened on BBC1
1977 - Terror of the Autons, Episode
2 repeated on WTTW 11
1978 - The Android Invasion, Part
3 repeated and The Masque of
Mandragora, Part 3 first screened,
both on ABC
1981 - Revenge of the Cybermen
Omnibus repeated on WTTW 11
1982 - The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Part 6 repeated
on KQED Plus; The Leisure Hive, Part 1 repeated and
Part 2 first screened, both on ABC; and Earthshock,
Part 2 first screened on BBC1
1983 - The Leisure Hive, Part 1 repeated on KQED
Plus; and Enlightenment, Part 4 first screened on BBC1
1984 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part 6 repeated on KQED
Plus; The Awakening, Part 1 first screened on ABC; and
The Caves of Androzani, Part 2 first screened on BBC1
1985 - The Claws of Axos, Episode 2 repeated on KQED
Plus; and Timelash, Part 1 first screened on BBC1
1987 - The Mutants, Episodes 4
to 6 all repeated on WTTW 11
1988 - The Power of Kroll, Part 1 repeated on KQED
Plus; and Destiny of the Daleks, Part 2 repeated on TV2
1989 - The Time Monster, Episode 3 repeated on KQED
Plus; and Terror of the Zygons, Part 4 repeated on ABC
1990 - Mawdryn Undead, Part 4 repeated on KQED Plus
1991 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode
1991 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode
4: The End of Tomorrow repeated on TV2;
and The Awakening Omnibus repeated on
1993 - Castrovalva, Part 3 repeated on ABC
1994 - The Invasion of Time, Part 5 repeated on UK Gold
1995 - Spearhead from Space, Episode 3 repeated on UK
Gold; and The Two Doctors, Part 1 first screened on VOX
1997 - Writer Terry Nation died in Los Angeles, aged 66;
Revenge of the Cybermen, Part 3 repeated on ZTV; and
Genesis of the Daleks Omnibus repeated on UK Gold
1998 - The War Games, Episode 1 first
screened on Space; The Horns of Nimon
Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus; and
Snakedance, Part 3 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1999 - The War Games, Episode 1 repeated on Space;
and The Tomb of the Cybermen, Episode 4 repeated on
UKTV (Aus)
2000 - The Romans, Episode 1: The Slave Traders repeated
on UKTV (Aus); The Daemons, Episode 3 first screened on
TG4; and The Sontaran Experiment, Part 1 repeated on
2001 - The Masque of Mandragora, Parts 3 and 4 both
repeated on Prime; and The Face of Evil, Part 4 repeated
on UKTV (Aus)
2002 - The Daemons Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;
Revenge of the Cybermen, Part 2 repeated on BBC Kids
(Can); Attack of the Cybermen and Timelash Omnibuses
both repeated on UKTV (Aus); and Terror of the Vervoids,
Parts 9 and 10 both repeated on BBC Prime
2003 - The Daemons Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;
Planet of Evil, Part 3 repeated on WSKG; The Stones of
Blood Omnibus repeated on BBC Kids (Can); City of Death,
Parts 2 and 3 both repeated on MiND; Snakedance Omnibus
repeated on MPT; and Time and the Rani, Parts 1 and 2 both
Planet of Evil, Part 3 repeated on WSKG; The Stones of
Blood Omnibus repeated on BBC Kids (Can); City of Death,
Parts 2 and 3 both repeated on MiND; Snakedance Omnibus
repeated on MPT; and Time and the Rani, Parts 1 and 2 both
repeated on KBTC
2004 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 2 repeated on ABC;
and Enlightenment, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on BBC
Kids (Can)
2005 - Image of the Fendahl, Part 1
repeated on ABC
2006 - Father's Day first screened on
People+ Arts
2007 - Rose first screened on WCET;
2007 - Rose first screened on WCET;
and The Satan Pit repeated on BBC3
2008 - The Long Game repeated on WXXI
2009 - The Happiness Patrol, Parts 2 and 3 both first
2009 - The Happiness Patrol, Parts 2 and 3 both first
screened on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; Army of Ghosts first
screened on Syfy (Spa); and The Family of Blood and
Doctor Who Confidential: Bad Blood both repeated on
2010 - The End of the World repeated on Syfy (Spa);
The Doctor Dances and Doctor Who Confidential
The Doctor Dances and Doctor Who Confidential
Cutdown: Weird Science both repeated on UKTV
(Aus); Love & Monsters repeated on WTTW Prime;
Smith and Jones repeated on HRT2; and The Doctor's
Daughter and Doctor Who Confidential: Sins of the
Fathers both repeated on BBC3
2011 - The Face of Evil, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated
on MTV3 SciFi, TV2 and TV4; and Midnight repeated
on Space
2012 - Love & Monsters repeated on Watch; Evolution of
the Daleks repeated on BBC America; The Family of Blood
and Blink both repeated on BBC3; Silence in the Library
and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: Shadow Play both
repeated on ABC2; and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown:
Oods and Ends repeated on UKTV (Aus)
the Daleks repeated on BBC America; The Family of Blood
and Blink both repeated on BBC3; Silence in the Library
and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: Shadow Play both
repeated on ABC2; and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown:
Oods and Ends repeated on UKTV (Aus)
2013 - The Idiot's Lantern repeated on UKTV (NZ);
Forest of the Dead and Midnight both repeated on
BBC Entertainment EU; The Rebel Flesh repeated
on Fox (FRG); Night Terrors repeated on Syfy
(Ben); and Asylum of the Daleks repeated on BBC3
2014 - The Invisible Enemy, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on
KBTC; The Invasion of Time, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on
Syfy (Aus); School Reunion and The Girl in the Fireplace both
repeated on RAI4; The Runaway Bride repeated on Fox (FRG);
The Fires of Pompeii, Planet of the Ood, The Sontaran
Stratagem and The Poison Sky all repeated on Watch;
Midnight, Turn Left and The Stolen Earth all repeated on
France 4; Night Terrors repeated on BBC Entertainment LA;
Asylum of the Daleks repeated on UKTV (NZ); The Power of
Three repeated on UKTV (Aus); The Day of the Doctor
repeated on Really Scary TV; and The Sarah Jane
Adventures: Death of the Doctor, Episode 2 repeated
KBTC; The Invasion of Time, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on
Syfy (Aus); School Reunion and The Girl in the Fireplace both
repeated on RAI4; The Runaway Bride repeated on Fox (FRG);
The Fires of Pompeii, Planet of the Ood, The Sontaran
Stratagem and The Poison Sky all repeated on Watch;
Midnight, Turn Left and The Stolen Earth all repeated on
France 4; Night Terrors repeated on BBC Entertainment LA;
Asylum of the Daleks repeated on UKTV (NZ); The Power of
Three repeated on UKTV (Aus); The Day of the Doctor
repeated on Really Scary TV; and The Sarah Jane
Adventures: Death of the Doctor, Episode 2 repeated
on Jeem TV (ME)
2015 - The Invasion of Time, Part 3 and
Planet of the Ood both repeated on Syfy (Aus);
The Ribos Operation, Parts 2 and 3 both
repeated on Horror; Earthshock Omnibus and School Reunion
both repeated on Watch; The Age of Steel and The Idiot's
Lantern both repeated on EBRU; The Doctor's Wife repeated
on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD; The Caretaker and Kill
the Moon both repeated on BBC America; Mummy on the Orient
Express first screened on KBS1 and repeated on BBC America;
and Flatline repeated BBC Entertainment LA
repeated on Horror; Earthshock Omnibus and School Reunion
both repeated on Watch; The Age of Steel and The Idiot's
Lantern both repeated on EBRU; The Doctor's Wife repeated
on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD; The Caretaker and Kill
the Moon both repeated on BBC America; Mummy on the Orient
Express first screened on KBS1 and repeated on BBC America;
and Flatline repeated BBC Entertainment LA
2016 - Warriors' Gate, Parts 1 and 2 both
repeated on Retro TV; Kinda Omnibus
repeated on Horror; Dalek repeated on
TV Cultura; Rise of the Cybermen repeated
TV Cultura; Rise of the Cybermen repeated
on BBC Entertainment AP; The Idiot's Lantern
and Doctor Who Confidential: The Writer's Tale
both repeated on ABC2; Partners in Crime
and Flatline both repeated on Syfy (Aus);
The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang
both repeated on Einsfestival; Nightmare
in Silver repeated on BBC Polska HD; The
Caretaker repeated on KLRU; and Heaven
Sent repeated on BBC First (ME)
2017 - Terror of the Autons, Episode
2 repeated on The Zone; Snakedance,
Parts 2 and 3 both repeated on Retro TV;
The Unquiet Dead repeated on Space; Human Nature repeated on
FX (Ind); The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood both repeated on
DR3; The Lodger repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Power of Three,
The Angels Take Manhattan, Listen and Time Heist all repeated
FX (Ind); The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood both repeated on
DR3; The Lodger repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Power of Three,
The Angels Take Manhattan, Listen and Time Heist all repeated
on Syfy (Bra); Nightmare in Silver, The Name of the Doctor,
The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor and Into the Dalek
all repeated on BBC America; Robot of Sherwood repeated on BBC
First (ME); and Under the Lake and Before the Flood both
repeated on BBC Polska HD
The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor and Into the Dalek
all repeated on BBC America; Robot of Sherwood repeated on BBC
First (ME); and Under the Lake and Before the Flood both
repeated on BBC Polska HD
2018 - The Sun Makers, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on Jones!
too; Paradise Towers, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on Retro TV;
Boom Town, Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways all repeated
on Syfy (Aus); The Next Doctor, Part 1 (of 2) repeated on Star
World Premiere; The Impossible Astronaut repeated on ABC and
ABC ME; Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
both repeated on RAI4; Flatline repeated on BBC Polska HD;
The Magician's Apprentice repeated on BBC First (ME); and
The Return of Doctor Mysterio and The Doctor Falls both
repeated on Syfy (Bra)
2019 - Planet of Giants, Episodes 2 and 3 and The Romans,
Episodes 3 and 4 all repeated on Retro TV; Deep Breath,
Doctor Who Extra: Time Heist and The Caretaker all repeated
too; Paradise Towers, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on Retro TV;
Boom Town, Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways all repeated
on Syfy (Aus); The Next Doctor, Part 1 (of 2) repeated on Star
World Premiere; The Impossible Astronaut repeated on ABC and
ABC ME; Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
both repeated on RAI4; Flatline repeated on BBC Polska HD;
The Magician's Apprentice repeated on BBC First (ME); and
The Return of Doctor Mysterio and The Doctor Falls both
repeated on Syfy (Bra)
2019 - Planet of Giants, Episodes 2 and 3 and The Romans,
Episodes 3 and 4 all repeated on Retro TV; Deep Breath,
Doctor Who Extra: Time Heist and The Caretaker all repeated
on BBC Polska HD; and The Lie of the Land repeated on Syfy
2020 - Into the Dalek repeated on
2020 - Into the Dalek repeated on
Syfy (Fra); and World Enough and
Time and The Doctor Falls both
repeated on Fox (FRG)
2021 - The Time Warrior, Parts 1
and 2 both repeated on Retro TV;
The Unquiet Dead and Aliens of
London both repeated on One ARD;
The Doctor's Daughter repeated on
ABC2; The Doctor, the Widow and
the Wardrobe and The Angels Take
Manhattan both repeated on Syfy
(Fra); and Dark Water repeated on
BBC Polska HD
2022 - Logopolis, Parts 2 and 3 both
repeated on Forces TV; Castrovalva,
Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on Retro
TV; The Doctor Dances repeated on
Fox SciFi; Rise of the Cybermen
repeated on Syfy (Fra); The Woman
Who Fell to Earth repeated on BBC
Polska HD; The Halloween Apocalypse
repeated on BBC First Turkey; and
The Vanquishers repeated on ABC2
2023 - The Rings of Akhaten repeated
on Fox SciFi; and The Day of the Doctor
repeated on ABC2
2025 - The Armageddon Factor, Parts
5 and 6 both repeated on KBTC; and
The Family of Blood repeated on ABC
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