1965 - 100,000 BC, Episode 3: The
Forest of Fear repeated on ABC; The
Daleks, Episode 3: The Escape first
screened on CBC; and The Web Planet,
Episode 4: Crater of Needles first
screened on BBC1
1968 - The Space Museum, Episode 3: The Search, The
Chase, Episode 3: Flight Through Eternity, The Time Meddler,
Episode 1: The Watcher, Galaxy 4, Episode 1: Four Hundred
Dawns and The Myth Makers, Episode 1: Temple of Secrets
all repeated on ABC
1971 - The Mind of Evil, Episode
6 first screened on BBC1
1972 - Director Julian Simpson born
in London
1976 - The Seeds of Doom, Part
6 first screened on BBC1
1979 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 4 repeated and Image
of the Fendahl, Part 2 first screened, both on ABC
1980 - The Ark in Space, Part 4 first screened on WTTW
11; and The Creature from the Pit, Part 4 first screened
on ABC
1982 - The Talons of Weng-Chiang,
1982 - The Talons of Weng-Chiang,
Part 5 repeated on KQED Plus
1983 - Robot Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus;
and Once Upon a Time Lord first screened on PBS
1984 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part 3 repeated on KQED
Plus; and Warriors of the Deep, Part 2 first screened on
1985 - Inferno, Episode 6 repeated on KQED Plus
1986 - The Ambassadors of Death, Episode 2 repeated
1986 - The Ambassadors of Death, Episode 2 repeated
on ABC; and The Armageddon Factor, Part 4 repeated
on KQED Plus
1987 - The Dominators, Episode 4 repeated on KQED Plus
1988 - The Seeds of Death Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus;
1988 - The Seeds of Death Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus;
and The Ark in Space, Part 3 repeated on Super Channel
1989 - Terror of the Zygons, Part 1 repeated on ABC;
and Remembrance of the Daleks Omnibus first screened
on WTTW 11
1990 - Mawdryn Undead, Part 1
repeated on KQED Plus
1991 - Image of the Fendahl, Part
1991 - Image of the Fendahl, Part
2 repeated on KQED Plus
1992 - The Ambassadors of Death, Episode
6 repeated on KQED Plus; and The Sea Devils,
Episode 1 repeated on BBC2
1993 - Colony in Space, Episode 3
repeated on TV2
1994 - Pyramids of Mars, Part 1 repeated on BBC2; and
1994 - Pyramids of Mars, Part 1 repeated on BBC2; and
The Invisible Enemy Omnibus repeated on UK Gold
1995 - The Ribos Operation Omnibus
repeated on KQED Plus; Timelash, Part
1 first screened on VOX; and Dragonfire,
Part 3 repeated on UK Gold
1997 - The Mutants, Episode 5 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1998 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 6 first screened on
1998 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 6 first screened on
Space; and Snakedance, Part 2 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1999 - The Chase Omnibus repeated on UK Gold; The War
Games, Episodes 6 to 10 all repeated on MPT; The Daemons,
Episode 5 repeated on Iowa PTV; The Ark in Space, Parts 1
and 2 both repeated on BBC America; Genesis of the Daleks,
Part 6 first screened on Prairie PTV; Underworld, Part 4 and
The Invasion of Time, Part 1 both repeated on BBC Prime;
The Two Doctors Omnibus repeated on UKTV (Aus);
and The Ultimate Foe Omnibus repeated on WUFT
2000 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode 6: Flashpoint
repeated on UKTV (Aus); The Ambassadors of Death,
Episode 5 repeated on Space; and Castrovalva Omnibus
repeated on KQED Plus
2001 - The Seeds of Doom, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated
on Prime and Parts 5 and 6 both repeated on BBC America;
and The Face of Evil, Part 1 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
2002 - BBC Head of Serials Donald Wilson died in Gloucs.
aged 91; Genesis of the Daleks, Part 5 repeated on BBC
Kids (Can); and Terror of the Vervoids, Part 9 repeated
on BBC Prime
2003 - The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Parts
5 and 6 both repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2004 - Revenge of the Cybermen Omnibus
repeated on UK Gold; and Terminus, Parts
3 and 4 both repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2005 - The Green Death Omnibus repeated
on MPT; and Underworld Omnibus repeated
on UK Gold
2007 - Rose first screened on WTVP; and
Army of Ghosts first screened on NHK BS2
2008 - The Keys of Marinus, Episodes 1
and 2 both first screened on MTV3 SciFi
and TV4
2009 - Silver Nemesis, Part 3 and The Happiess Patrol,
Part 1 both first screened on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; The
Unquiet Dead repeated on TV3 (RI); The Lazarus
Experiment and Doctor Who Confidential: Monsters Inc.
both first screened on WGVU; Human Nature repeated
on BBC3; and The Doctor's Daughter repeated on Syfy
2010 - Forest of the Dead repeated on France 4; Turn
Left repeated on Syfy (Spa); and Planet of the Dead
first screened on KBS2
2011 - Midnight repeated on Idaho PTV; Journey's End
repeated on WTTW 11; The Vampires of Venice repeated
on BBC HD; Amy's Choice repeated on ABC1; and Daleks'
Invasion Earth 2150 AD screened on GEM
2012 - Rise of the Cybermen repeated on Watch; Voyage
of the Damned and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: Alter
Ego both repeated on UKTV (Aus); Smith and Jones and The
Shakespeare Code both repeated on BBC America; and The
Poison Sky and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: Sontar
Ha! both repeated on ABC2
2013 - The Sontaran Stratagem repeated on UKTV (NZ);
The Eleventh Hour repeated on Watch; Cold Blood and
Vincent and the Doctor both repeated on BBC America;
The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People both repeated on
Fox (FRG); and Night Terrors repeated on Syfy (Ben)
2014 - The Invasion of Time, Parts 1 and 2 and Time Flight,
Parts 1 and 2 all repeated on Syfy (Aus); Rose repeated
on Watch; The Lazarus Experiment, 42 and Human Nature
all repeated on BBC America; Planet of the Ood repeated
on TV3 (Spa); The Beast Below repeated on France 4;
Vincent and the Doctor repeated on Syfy (Port); The
Crimson Horror repeated on WTTW Prime; Nightmare
in Silver repeated on BBC Brazil HD; and Doctor Who
Confidential Cutdown: Heartbreak Hotel repeated on
Confidential Cutdown: Heartbreak Hotel repeated on
UKTV (Aus)
2015 - The Mutants, Episodes 1 and 2 both repeated on
Retro TV; The Sun Makers, Part 4 and The Ribos Operation,
Part 1 both repeated on Horror; The Armageddon Factor,
Parts 3 and 4 both first screened on Retro TV; New Earth
repeated on Watch; The Fires of Pompeii, Midnight,
Turn Left, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End and The
Eleventh Hour all repeated on Syfy (Aus); Amy's
Choice and The Hungry Earth both repeated on Jeem
Choice and The Hungry Earth both repeated on Jeem
TV (ME); Cold Blood and Vincent and the Doctor both
repeated on UKTV (NZ); The Curse of the Black Spot and
The Doctor's Wife both repeated on BBC Nordic HD and
BBC Polska HD; Robot of Sherwood repeated on BBC
America; and Kill the Moon repeated on BBC3 and BBC
Entertainment LA
2016 - The Web Planet, Episodes 3 and 4 and The Leisure
Hive, Parts 3 and 4 all repeated on Retro TV; Terror of the
Autons Omnibus repeated on WVPB; The Mysterious
Planet, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on KBTC; Rose,
The End of the World and The Unquiet Dead all repeated
on Watch and UNC-EX; Aliens of London, Doctor Who
Confidential: Bringing Back the Doctor, Aliens, the
Good, the Bad and the Ugly, TARDIS Tales and I Get a Side-Kick
Out of You all repeated on UNC-EX; Tooth and Claw repeated on
BBC Entertainment AP; The Impossible Planet, The Satan Pit
Out of You all repeated on UNC-EX; Tooth and Claw repeated on
BBC Entertainment AP; The Impossible Planet, The Satan Pit
and Voyage of the Damned all repeated on BBC America; Blink
and Utopia both repeated on EBRU; Planet of the Dead, The Waters
of Mars, A Town Called Mercy and The Doctors Revisited: The First Doctor all repeated on Watch; The Vampires of Venice and Amy's
Choice both repeated on One ARD; The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Rings of Akhaten and Cold
War both repeated on BBC Polska HD; Listen, Time Heist, Kill the
Moon, Mummy on the Orient Express and Flatline repeated on
and Utopia both repeated on EBRU; Planet of the Dead, The Waters
of Mars, A Town Called Mercy and The Doctors Revisited: The First Doctor all repeated on Watch; The Vampires of Venice and Amy's
Choice both repeated on One ARD; The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Rings of Akhaten and Cold
War both repeated on BBC Polska HD; Listen, Time Heist, Kill the
Moon, Mummy on the Orient Express and Flatline repeated on
Syfy (Bra) and Syfy (LA); The Caretaker repeated on KLRU,
Syfy (Aus), Syfy (Bra) and Syfy (LA); In the Forest of the Night
repeated on BBC Entertainment EU, Syfy (Bra) and Syfy (LA);
Dark Water repeated on WXXI; Death in Heaven repeated
Syfy (Aus), Syfy (Bra) and Syfy (LA); In the Forest of the Night
repeated on BBC Entertainment EU, Syfy (Bra) and Syfy (LA);
Dark Water repeated on WXXI; Death in Heaven repeated
on Syfy (Bra); The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who
Lived both repeated on BBC First (Ben); The Zygon
Invasion and The Zygon Inversion both repeated on
BBC First (ME); and Heaven Sent and Hell Bent both
repeated on BBC America
2017 - The Silurians, Episode 6 repeated on The Zone;
Kinda Omnibus repeated on WETA-UK; Evolution of the Daleks
repeated on FX (Ind); The Eleventh Hour and The Beast Below
both repeated on DR3; The Hungry Earth repeated on Syfy (Aus);
The God Complex, Closing Time, The Wedding of River Song, The
Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, Asylum of the Daleks and
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship all repeated on BBC America; The
Snowmen, The Name of the Doctor, Death in Heaven and The
Zygon Inversion all repeated on Syfy (Bra); In the Forest of the
Night repeated on BBC Polska HD; Dark Water repeated on BBC
Polska HD and Syfy (Bra); and Sleep No More repeated on BBC
Entertainment EU
The God Complex, Closing Time, The Wedding of River Song, The
Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, Asylum of the Daleks and
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship all repeated on BBC America; The
Snowmen, The Name of the Doctor, Death in Heaven and The
Zygon Inversion all repeated on Syfy (Bra); In the Forest of the
Night repeated on BBC Polska HD; Dark Water repeated on BBC
Polska HD and Syfy (Bra); and Sleep No More repeated on BBC
Entertainment EU
2018 - The Ultimate Foe Omnibus repeated on Retro TV;
Fear Her repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Stolen Earth repeated
on Star World Premiere; The Pandorica Opens repeated
on ABC and ABC ME; Let's Kill Hitler and Night Terrors
both repeated on RAI4; The Caretaker repeated on BBC
Polska HD; Mummy on the Orient Express and Flatline
both repeated on BBC America; In the Forest of the
Night repeated on BBC America and BBC First (ME); The
Magician's Apprentice, The Witch's Familiar and Under
the Lake all repeated on One ARD; and Empress of Mars
and The Eaters of Light both repeated on Syfy (Bra)
2019 - Planet of Giants, Episodes 2 and 3 both repeated on
Retro TV; and Into the Dalek repeated on BBC Polska HD
2020 - The Seeds of Death, Episodes 4 and 5 both repeated
on Retro TV; Deep Breath repeated on Syfy (Fra); Spyfall,
Parts 1 and 2 both first screened on Sony SciFi; Can You
Hear Me? and The Haunting of Villa Diodati both repeated
on BBC Polska HD; and The Timeless Children first screened
on YLE TV2 and repeated on ABC ME
2021 - The Ark, Episodes 1 and 2 and
The Green Death, Episodes 5 and 6 all
repeated on Retro TV; Time Heist and
The Caretaker both repeated on BBC
Polska HD; and The Battle of Ranskoor
Av Kolos repeated on BBC Entertainment
2022 - The Romans, Episodes 1 and
2 both repeated on KBTC; The Robots
of Death, Parts 2 to 4 and City of Death,
Part 1 all repeated on Forces TV;
Mawdryn Undead, Parts 1 and 2 and
The Caves of Androzani, Parts 3 and
4 all repeated on Retro TV; The Doctor
Dances, Boom Town, Bad Wolf, The
Parting of the Ways, The Christmas
Invasion, New Earth and Tooth and Claw
all repeated on Syfy (Fra); The Pyramid
at the End of the World, The Lie of the
Land, Empess of Mars and The Doctor
Falls all repeated on BBC Polska HD and
Fox SciFi; The Eaters of Light and World
Enough and Time both repeated on BBC
Polska HD; and Fugitive of the Judoon,
Praxeus, Can You Hear Me? and The
Haunting of Villa Diodati all repeated
on BBC First Turkey
2023 - The Power of Three repeated
on Fox SciFi
2025 - The Lazarus Experiment
repeated on ABC Entertains
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