1968 - The Reign of Terror, Episode 1:
A Land of Fear repeated and Planet of
Giants, Episode 1 first screened, both
on TV1
1969 - The Space Pirates, Episode
1 first screened on BBC1
1974 - Frontier in Space, Episode
6 and Planet of the Daleks, Episode
3 and 5 all repeated on ABC
1975 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part
1 first screened on BBC1
1976 - Planet of Evil, Part 4 first
screened on TROS
1977 - Terror of the Autons, Episode
1 repeated on WTTW 11
1978 - The Android Invasion, Part 2 repeated
and The Masque of Mandragora, Part 2 first
screened, both on ABC
1979 - Image of the Fendahl, Part 2
repeated and Part 4 first screened,
both on ABC
1982 - City of Death Omnibus repeated on WTTW
11; The Leisure Hive, Part 1 first screened on ABC;
and Earthshock, Part 1 first screened on BBC1
1983 - The Horns of Nimon, Part 4 repeated on KQED
Plus; and Enlightenment, Part 3 first screened on BBC1
1984 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part 5 repeated on KQED
Plus; Warriors of the Deep, Part 4 first screened on ABC;
and The Caves of Androzani, Part 1 first screened on BBC1
1985 - The Claws of Axos, Episode 1
repeated on KQED Plus
1986 - The Armageddon Factor, Part
6 repeated on KQED Plus
1987 - Full Circle Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus; and
Terror of the Vervoids, Parts 9 and 10 both repeated on
1988 - The Ark in Space, Part 4 repeated on TV de Galicia;
The Androids of Tara, Part 4 repeated on KQED Plus; and
Destiny of the Daleks, Part 1 repeated on TV2 (NZ)
1989 - The Time Monster, Episode 2 repeated on KQED
Plus; and Terror of the Zygons, Part 3 repeated on ABC
1990 - Mawdryn Undead, Part 3 repeated on KQED Plus
1991 - Image of the Fendahl, Part
1991 - Image of the Fendahl, Part
4 repeated on KQED Plus
1993 - Castrovalva, Part 2 repeated on ABC
1995 - Spearhead from Space, Episodes
1995 - Spearhead from Space, Episodes
1 and 2 both repeated on UK Gold; and
Timelash, Part 2 first screened on VOX
1997 - The Mutants Omnibus repeated on UKTV (Aus);
and Revenge of the Cybermen, Part 2 repeated on ZTV
1998 - The Daleks, Episode 5: The Expedition repeated
on Space; and Resurrection of the Daleks Omnibus
repeated on UK Gold
1999 - The Time Meddler, Episode 1: The Watcher and
The Seeds of Death, Episode 6 both repeated on Space;
The Tomb of the Cybermen, Episode 3 repeated on UKTV
(Aus); and Robot Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus
2000 - The Rescue, Episode 2: Desperate Measures
repeated on UKTV (Aus); The Ambassadors of Death,
Episode 7 repeated on Space; and The Daemons,
Episode 2 first screened on TG4
2001 - The Masque of Mandragora, Parts 1 and 2 both
repeated on Prime; The Face of Evil, Part 3 repeated on
BBC America and UKTV (Aus) and Part 4 repeated on BBC
America; and Arc of Infinity, Part 3 repeated on BBC Prime
2002 - Revenge of the Cybermen, Part 1 repeated on BBC
Kids (Can); and Death Comes to Time: The Child, Part 1
released on BBCi
2003 - Colony in Space Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;
Horror of Fang Rock, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on BBC
Kids; and Doctor Who TV Movie repeated on Syfy (RSA)
2004 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 1 repeated on ABC;
and Time Flight Omnibus repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2005 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 4 repeated on ABC
2007 - Rose first screened on WLIW 21 and
2007 - Rose first screened on WLIW 21 and
SVT2; and Father's Day repeated on ΣΚΑΙ
2008 - The Keys of Marinus, Episodes 3 and 4 both
repeated on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; and The Weakest
Link Doctor Who Special repeated on BBC1
2009 - The Girl in the Fireplace and Rise of the
Cybermen both repeated on Syfy (FRG); and
Smith and Jones repeated on Syfy (Ben)
2010 - Rose, The Sound of Drums and
Last of the Time Lords repeated and The
Stolen Earth first screened, all on Syfy
(Spa); The Runaway Bride repeated on
HRT2; and The Poison Sky and Doctor
Who Confidential: Sontar-Ha! both
repeated on BBC3
2011 - The Brain of Morbius, Episode 6 repeated on
Radio 7; The Face of Evil, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated
on MTV3 SciFi, TV2 and TV4; Bad Wolf and The Parting
of the Ways both repeated on UKTV (Aus); and
Forest of the Dead repeated on Space
2012 - The Idiot's Lantern repeated on Watch; Daleks
in Manhattan repeated on BBC America; The Unicorn
and the Wasp and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown:
Nemesis both repeated on ABC2; The Rebel Flesh and
The Almost People both repeated on BBC America; and
Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: 'Ello 'Ello 'Ello
repeated on UKTV (Aus)
2013 - Victory of the Daleks repeated on
Watch; The Big Bang and A Christmas Carol
both repeated on BBC America; and The
Wedding of River Song repeated on BBC3
2014 - The Three Doctors Omnibus repeated on KPTS;
New Earth and Tooth and Claw both repeated on RAI4;
The Sontaran Stratagem repeated on TV3 (Spa); The
Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library and Forest
of the Dead all repeated on France 4; The Vampires of
Venice repeated on BBC3; Cold Blood, Vincent and the
Doctor, Doctor Who Confidential: What Goes on Tour
and A Brush With Genius all repeated on BBC Nordic HD
and BBC Polska HD; The Pandorica Opens and The Sarah
Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor, Episode 1 both
repeated on Jeem TV (ME); The Almost People repeated
on BBC Nordic; Let's Kill Hitler, Night Terrors, The Girl
Who Waited and The God Complex all repeated on BBC
America; The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
repeated on UKTV (NZ); and The Bells of Saint John
repeated on Syfy (Ben)
2015 - The Time Meddler, Episodes 3 and 4 and The Ark, Episodes
1 and 2 all repeated on Retro TV; The Daemons, Episodes 2 and 3
both repeated on Retro TV and Omnibus repeated on Horror; Genesis
of the Daleks, Parts 3 and 4, The Invasion of Time, Part 2, The Fires
of Pompeii and The Doctor's Wife all repeated on Syfy (Aus);
Castrovalva, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on KBTC; The Girl in the
Fireplace, Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, The Idiot's
Lantern and The Impossible Planet all repeated on Watch; Voyage
of the Damned and A Christmas Carol both repeated on France 4;
The Girl Who Waited repeated on Idaho PTV; The Rings of Akhaten,
Cold War, Hide, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, The Crimson
Horror, Nightmare in Silver and The Name of the Doctor all
repeated on BBC Entertainment LA; Deep Breath, Into
the Dalek and Robot of Sherwood all repeated on BBC America;
Listen first screened on TLC TV and repeated on BBC America;
Kill the Moon repeated on Fox (FRG); and Mummy on the Orient
Express first screened on RAI4 and repeated on Fox (FRG)
2016 - State of Decay, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on Retro
1 and 2 all repeated on Retro TV; The Daemons, Episodes 2 and 3
both repeated on Retro TV and Omnibus repeated on Horror; Genesis
of the Daleks, Parts 3 and 4, The Invasion of Time, Part 2, The Fires
of Pompeii and The Doctor's Wife all repeated on Syfy (Aus);
Castrovalva, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on KBTC; The Girl in the
Fireplace, Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, The Idiot's
Lantern and The Impossible Planet all repeated on Watch; Voyage
of the Damned and A Christmas Carol both repeated on France 4;
The Girl Who Waited repeated on Idaho PTV; The Rings of Akhaten,
Cold War, Hide, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, The Crimson
Horror, Nightmare in Silver and The Name of the Doctor all
repeated on BBC Entertainment LA; Deep Breath, Into
the Dalek and Robot of Sherwood all repeated on BBC America;
Listen first screened on TLC TV and repeated on BBC America;
Kill the Moon repeated on Fox (FRG); and Mummy on the Orient
Express first screened on RAI4 and repeated on Fox (FRG)
2016 - State of Decay, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on Retro
TV; Logopolis Omnibus repeated on Horror; World War Three
repeated on TV Cultura; The Girl in the Fireplace repeated on
BBC Entertainment AP; The Age of Steel and Doctor Who Con-
fidential: From Zero to Hero both repeated on ABC2; Voyage
of the Damned and Asylum of the Daleks both repeated on
Syfy (Aus); Vincent and the Doctor and The Lodger both
repeated on Einsfestival; The Crimson Horror repeated on
BBC Polska HD; The Day of the Doctor repeated on Syfy
(Spa); Mummy on the Orient Express repeated on WGVU
and Syfy (Aus); Last Christmas repeated on BBC First (Ben);
The Girl Who Died repeated on RAI4; and Face the Raven
repeated on BBC First (ME)
2017 - Terror of the Autons, Episode 1 repeated on The Zone;
2017 - Terror of the Autons, Episode 1 repeated on The Zone;
Arc of Infinity, Part 4 and Snakedance, Part 1 both repeated
on Retro TV; The End of the World repeated on Space;
42 repeated on FX (Ind); Flesh and Stone, The Vampires
of Venice and Amy's Choice both repeated on DR3; Vincent
and the Doctor repeated on Syfy (Aus);
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, A Town Called Mercy and Robot of
Sherwood all repeated on Syfy (Bra); Cold War, Hide, Journey to
the Centre of the TARDIS and The Crimson Horror all repeated
Sherwood all repeated on Syfy (Bra); Cold War, Hide, Journey to
the Centre of the TARDIS and The Crimson Horror all repeated
on BBC America; Into the Dalek repeated on BBC First (ME)
and Syfy (Bra); Flatline and In the Forest of the Night both
repeated on Fox (FRG); The Magician's Apprentice and The
Witch's Apprentice both repeated on BBC Polska HD and
Syfy (LA); and Face the Raven repeated on One ARD
2018 - Time and the Rani, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated
2018 - Time and the Rani, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated
on Retro TV; Doomsday repeated on Syfy (Aus); A
Christmas Carol repeated on ABC and ABC ME; Closing
Time and The Wedding of River Song both repeated on
RAI4; Mummy on the Orient Express repeated on
BBC Polska HD; Death in Heaven repeated on BBC
First (ME); Under the Lake, Before the Flood and
The Girl Who Died all repeated on BBC America;
and The Doctor Falls both repeated on Syfy (Bra)
2019 - The Romans, Episodes 1 and 2
both repeated on Retro TV; The Hand of
Fear, Parts 2 to 4 all repeated on Jones!
too; and Listen, Doctor Who Extra: Kill the
Moon and Mummy on the Orient Express
all repeated on BBC Polska HD
2020 - The Space Museum Omnibus repeated on KVCR;
The Krotons of Death Omnibus and The Face of Evil, Parts
3 and 4 all repeated on Retro TV; Warriors' Gate, Parts 1
and 2 both repeated on KBTC; Journey's End and The Next
Doctor both repeated on One ARD; The Doctor's Wife and
The Rebel Flesh both repeated and Ascension of the
Cybermen first screened, all on BBC Polska HD; and
Spyfall, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on Sony SciFi
2021 - 100,000 BC, Episodes 3 and
4 both repeated on Retro TV; The
Poison Sky repeated on ABC2; Asylum
of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship,
A Town Called Mercy and The Power of
Three all repeated on Syfy (Fra); In the
Forest of the Night repeated on BBC
Polska HD; and Orphan 55 and Can You
Hear Me? both repeated on BBC America
2022 - City of Death, Part 4 and
Logopolis, Part 1 both repeated on
Forces TV; Castrovalva, Parts 1 and
2 both repeated on Retro TV; The
Empty Child repeated on Fox SciFi;
The Girl in the Fireplace repeated on
Syfy (Fra); and Survivors of the Flux
repeated on ABC2
2023 - The Bells of Saint John repeated
on Fox SciFi; and Lost in Time released
on iOS/Android
2025 - Human Nature repeated on ABC
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