1930 - Writer Brian Hayles born in
1934 - Director Gordon Flemyng born
in Glasgow
1964 - Marco Polo, Episode 3: Five
Hundred Eyes first screened on BBCtv
1966 - The Romans, Episodes 1 and 4 both repeated and
The Web Planet, Episode 4: Crater of Needles first screened,
all on ABC
1968 - The Space Museum, Episode 4: The Final Phase,
1968 - The Space Museum, Episode 4: The Final Phase,
The Chase, Episode 4: Journey into Terror, The Time Meddler,
Episode 2: The Meddling Monk, Galaxy 4, Episode 2: Trap of
Steel and The Myth Makers, Episode 2: Small Prophet, Quick
Return all repeated on ABC
1970 - Doctor Who and the Silurians,
Episode 6 first screened on BBC1
1975 - The Time Warrior, Part 1 first
screened on ABC
1976 - Planet of the Spiders, Part 1
1976 - Planet of the Spiders, Part 1
first screened on ABC
1978 - The Android Invasion, Part
1 repeated and The Masque of
Mandragora, Part 1 first screened,
both on ABC
1979 - Image of the Fendahl, Part 1
repeated and Part 3 first screened,
both on ABC
1980 - The Sontaran Experiment,
Part first screened on WTTW
1981 - Logopolis, Part 2 first screened
on BBC1
1983 - Meglos Omnibus repeated
1983 - Meglos Omnibus repeated
on WTTW 11
1984 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part
1984 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part
4 repeated on KQED Plus; and Warriors
of the Deep, Part 3 first screened on ABC
1985 - Inferno, Episode 7 repeated
on KQED Plus
1986 - The Armageddon Factor,
1986 - The Armageddon Factor,
Part 5 repeated on KQED Plus
1987 - The Dominators, Episode 5 repeated on KQED
Plus; and Terror of the Vervoids, Parts 9 and 10 both
first screened on ABC
1988 - City of Death Omnibus repeated on WTTW 11;
and The Ark in Space, Part 3 repeated on TV de Galicia
1989 - The Time Monster, Episode 1 repeated on KQED
Plus; and Terror of the Zygons, Part 2 repeated on ABC
1990 - Mawdryn Undead, Part 2 repeated on KQED Plus
1991 - Image of the Fendahl, Part 3 repeated on KQED Plus
1992 - The Ambassadors of Death, Episode 7 and Revenge
1991 - Image of the Fendahl, Part 3 repeated on KQED Plus
1992 - The Ambassadors of Death, Episode 7 and Revenge
of the Cybermen Omnibus both repeated on KQED Plus;
and Terror of the Autons, Episode 4 repeated on TV2
1993 - The Silurians Omnibus repeated on UK
Gold; and Castrovalva, Part 1 repeated on ABC
1994 - The Invasion of Time, Part 4
repeated on UK Gold
1995 - Timelash, Part 2 first screened on VOX
1997 - The Mutants, Episode 6 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1998 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 6 repeated on
1995 - Timelash, Part 2 first screened on VOX
1997 - The Mutants, Episode 6 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1998 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 6 repeated on
Space; and Arc of Infinity Omnibus repeated on UK Gold
1999 - Terror of the Autons, Episodes 2 and 3 both
repeated on WCET; Robot, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated
on MiND; Planet of Evil Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;
Snakedance, Part 2 repeated on WUSF; and Doctor
Who TV Movie repeated on HBO LA
2000 - The Rescue, Episode 1: The Powerful Enemy
repeated on UKTV (Aus); The Ambassadors of Death.
Episode 6 repeated on Space; and The Daemons,
Episode 1 first screened on TG4
2001 - The Seeds of Doom, Parts 5 and 6 both repeated
on Prime; and The Face of Evil, Part 1 repeated on BBC
America and Part 2 repeated on BBC America and UKTV
2002 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part 6 repeated on BBC
Kids (Can); and Terror of the Vervoids, Part 10 repeated
on BBC Prime
2003 - Horror of Fang Rock, Parts 1 and 2 both
repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2004 - The War Machines, Episodes 3 and 4 both repeated
on KBTC; The Dominators Omnibus repeated on MPT; Terror
of the Zygons Omnibus repeated on UK Gold; Logopolis, Part
2 repeated on WILL; Black Orchid Omnibus repeated on BBC
Kids (Can); and Resurrection of the Daleks, Parts 3 and 4
(of 4) both repeated on MiND
2005 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 3 repeated on ABC2007 - The End of the World first screened on WTVP
2008 - The Keys of Marinus, Episodes 3 and 4 both first
screened on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; The End of the World
repeated on ABC2; and Blink repeated on Syfy (US)
2009 - Dragonfire, Parts 2 and 3, The Greatest Show
2009 - Dragonfire, Parts 2 and 3, The Greatest Show
in the Galaxy and Silver Nemesis Omnibuses and The
Happiness Patrol, Part 1 all repeated on MTV3 SciFi
and TV4; The Doctor Dances and Doctor Who
Confidential Cutdown: Weird Science both repeated
on UKTV (Aus); The Christmas Invasion repeated on
Syfy (Rus); Tooth and Claw and School Reunion
both repeated on Syfy (FRG); The Runaway Bride
first screened on OETA; 42 first screened on HRT2;
and Whatever Happened to Susan? repeated on
Radio 4 Extra
2010 - Rise of the Cybermen repeated
on WTVP; and Midnight first screened
on Idaho PTV
2011 - The Brain of Morbius, Episode
2011 - The Brain of Morbius, Episode
6 repeated on Radio 7; and The Deadly
Assassin, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated
on MTV3 SciFi, TV2 and TV4
2012 - The Age of Steel repeated on Watch; Gridlock
repeated on BBC America; The Doctor's Daughter and
Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: Sins of the Fathers
both repeated on ABC2; Night Terrors and The Girl
Who Waited both first screened on Fox (FRG); and
Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: Do You Remember
the First Time? and Bad Blood both repeated on UKTV
2013 - The Poison Sky repeated on UKTV (NZ); The
Beast Below repeated on Watch; and The Lodger and
The Pandorica Opens both repeated on BBC America
2014 - The Invasion of Time, Parts 3 and 4 and Time
Flight, Parts 3 and 4 all repeated on Syfy (Aus); The
End of the World repeated on Watch; The Family
of Blood, Blink and Utopia all repeated on
BBC America; The Next Doctor and Midnight both repeated on
France 4; The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone both repeated
on BBC3; Cold Blood and Doctor Who Confidential: What Goes on
Tour both repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD; The
Lodger repeated on Syfy (Port); Hide repeated on Ztélé; and The
Day of the Doctor repeated on Really Scary TV
France 4; The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone both repeated
on BBC3; Cold Blood and Doctor Who Confidential: What Goes on
Tour both repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD; The
Lodger repeated on Syfy (Port); Hide repeated on Ztélé; and The
Day of the Doctor repeated on Really Scary TV
2015 - Colony in Space, Episode 6 and The Mutants, Episodes
3 and 4 all repeated on Retro TV; The Daemons, Episodes 1 to
3 all repeated on Retro TV and Omnibus repeated on Horror;
Genesis of the Daleks, Parts 3 and 4, Midnight, Turn
3 and 4 all repeated on Retro TV; The Daemons, Episodes 1 to
3 all repeated on Retro TV and Omnibus repeated on Horror;
Genesis of the Daleks, Parts 3 and 4, Midnight, Turn
Left, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End and The Eleventh
Hour all repeated on Syfy (Aus);
The Armageddon Factor, Parts 5 and 6 both
first screened on Retro TV; Utopia repeated on
UKTV (NZ); The Waters of Mars and The
End of Time, Part 1 both repeated on UKTV (Aus); The End of Time,
End of Time, Part 1 both repeated on UKTV (Aus); The End of Time,
Part 2 repeated on BBC Entertainment EU, Romania and ME and
UKTV (Aus); Cold Blood repeated on Jeem TV (ME); The Curse
of the Black Spot, The Doctor's Wife, The Rebel Flesh and The
Almost People all repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska
HD; Closing Time repeated on Space; Asylum of the Daleks,
UKTV (Aus); Cold Blood repeated on Jeem TV (ME); The Curse
of the Black Spot, The Doctor's Wife, The Rebel Flesh and The
Almost People all repeated on BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska
HD; Closing Time repeated on Space; Asylum of the Daleks,
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, A Town Called Mercy, The Power
of Three, The Angels Take Manhattan, The Snowmen
and The Bells of Saint John all repeated on BBC
Entertainment LA; Kill the Moon repeated on RAI4;
and Doctor Who Explained repeated on BBC
Entertainment EU, Rom and ME
2016 - The Web Planet, Episodes 5 and 6 both repeated
on Retro TV; The Time Warrior, Parts 1 and 2 both
repeated on WETA-UK; The Keeper of Traken
Omnibus repeated on Horror; World War Three
repeated on TV Cultura; New Earth, Rise of the Cybermen
and Doctor Who Confidential: Cybermen all repeated on ABC2;
School Reunion repeated on BBC Entertainment AP; The
Impossible Planet repeated on Watch; Last of the Time Lords
and Kill the Moon both repeated on Syfy (Aus); Partners in
Crime repeated on France 4; The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood
both repeated on Einsfestival; Journey to the Centre of the
TARDIS repeated on BBC Polska HD; The Name of the Doctor
repeated on Syfy (Spain); Into the Dalek repeated on KUAC;
The Girl Who Died first screened on RAI4; and Sleep No More
repeated on BBC First (ME)
School Reunion repeated on BBC Entertainment AP; The
Impossible Planet repeated on Watch; Last of the Time Lords
and Kill the Moon both repeated on Syfy (Aus); Partners in
Crime repeated on France 4; The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood
both repeated on Einsfestival; Journey to the Centre of the
TARDIS repeated on BBC Polska HD; The Name of the Doctor
repeated on Syfy (Spain); Into the Dalek repeated on KUAC;
The Girl Who Died first screened on RAI4; and Sleep No More
repeated on BBC First (ME)
2017 - The Silurians, Episode 7 repeated on The Zone;
Arc of Infinity, Parts 2 and 3 both repeated on Retro
Arc of Infinity, Parts 2 and 3 both repeated on Retro
TV; Rose repeated on Space; The Lazarus Experiment
repeated on FX (Ind); Victory of the Daleks and
The Time of Angels both repeated on DR3; Cold
Blood and The Pandorica Opens both repeated on
Syfy (Aus); A Town Called Mercy, The Power of
Three, The Angels Take Manhattan, The Snowmen,
The Bells of Saint John and The Rings of Akhaten
all repeated on BBC America; Nightmare in Silver,
The Name of the Doctor and The Magician's Apprentice
all repeated
on Syfy (Bra); Deep Breath repeated on BBC First (ME);
Death in Heaven repeated on BBC Polska HD; and Last
Christmas repeated on BBC Polska HD and Syfy (Bra)
Death in Heaven repeated on BBC Polska HD; and Last
Christmas repeated on BBC Polska HD and Syfy (Bra)
2018 - Time and the Rani, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on
Retro TV; Army of Ghosts repeated on Syfy (Aus); Journey's
End repeated on Star World Premiere; The Big Bang repeated
on ABC and ABC ME; The Girl Who Waited and The God
Complex both repeated on RAI4; Kill the Moon repeated on
BBC Polska HD; Dark Water repeated on BBC First (ME);
Death in Heaven, The Magician's Apprentice and The Witch's
Familiar all repeated on BBC America; and The Eaters of Light
and World Enough and Time both repeated on Syfy (Bra)
2019 - The Rescue Omnibus repeated on Retro TV; Robot of
Sherwood and Doctor Who Extra: The Caretaker both repeated
on BBC Polska HD; and Demons of the Punjab first screened on
Fox (FRG)
2020 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 6, The War Games,
Episode 1 and The Face of Evil, Parts 1 and 2 all repeated on
Retro TV; Day of the Moon, The Curse of the Black Spot, Can
You Hear Me? and The Haunting of Villa Diodati all repeated on
BBC Polska HD; Nightmare in Silver, The Name of the Doctor,
The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor and Deep Breath
all repeated on Syfy (Fra); The Lie of the Land and Empress of
Mars both repeated on BBC Entertainment EU; World Enough
and Time and The Doctor Falls both repeated on Star World
Premiere HD; and The Timeless Children repeated on BBC2
2021 - 100,000 BC, Episodes
1 and 2 and The Ark, Episodes 3
and 4 all repeated on Retro TV;
Pyramids of Mars Omnibus repeated
on Iowa PTV; Timelash, Parts 1 and
2 (of 4) both repeated on KBTC;
Rose and The End of the World both
repeated on One ARD; School Reunion,
The Girl in the Fireplace, Rise of the
Cybermen, The Age of Steel, The Idiot's
Lantern and The Impossible Planet all
repeated on W and W +1; Let's Kill
Hitler, Night Terrors, The Girl Who
Waited, The God Complex and Closing
Time all repeated on Syfy (Fra); and
Kill the Moon, Mummy on the Orient
Express and Flatline all repeated on
BBC Polska HD
2022 - City of Death, Parts 2 and
3 both repeated on Forces TV;
Mawdryn Undead, Parts 3 and 4
both repeated on Retro TV; Father's
Day repeated on Fox SciFi; School
Reunion repeated on Syfy (Fra); The
Doctor Falls repeated on BBC Polska
HD; The Timeless Children repeated
on BBC First Turkey; and Village of
the Angels repeated on ABC2
2025 - 42 repeated on ABC Entertains
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