Saturday, 1 March 2025

Doctor Who On This Day #60

1918 - Actor Roger Delgado born in
1968 The Reign of Terror, Episode 6:
Prisoners of Conciergerie first screened
on TV1
1969 - The Seeds of Death, Episode 6
first screened on BBC1
1974 Frontier in Space, Episode 5 and
Planet of the DaleksEpisodes 2 and 4 all
repeated on ABC
1975 - The Sontaran Experiment, Part
2 first screened on BBC1
1978 Pyramids of Mars, Part 3 repeated
and The Android InvasionPart 2 first
screened, both on ABC
1979 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 2 repeated
 and Part 4 first screened, both on ABC
1982 - Destiny of the Daleks Omnibus
repeated on WTTW 11; and Black Orchid,
Part 1 first screened on BBC1
1983 - Nightmare of Eden, Part 3 repeated 
on KQED Plus; and Enlightenment, Part 1
first screened on BBC1
1984 - The Sontaran ExperimentPart
 2 repeated on KQED Plus; Image of th
FendahlPart 3 repeated on ABC; and
Planet of Fire, Part 3 first screened on
1985 Inferno, Episode 3 repeated
on KQED Plus
1986 - The Armageddon Factor, Part 
repeated on KQED Plus
1987 Meglos Omnibus repeated on
KQED Plus; and Mindwarp, Parts 7 and
8 both repeated on ABC
1988 The Stones of Blood, Part 3
repeated on KQED Plus
1989 The Mutants, Episode 3 repeated
 on KQED Plus; and Revenge of the
CybermenPart 2 repeated on ABC
1990 Snakedance, Part 2 repeated
on KQED Plus
1991 - The Invisible Enemy, Part 3
repeated on KQED Plus
1993 The Tomb of the Cybermen
and Survival Omnibuses both repeated
on KQED Plus
1994 Underworld, Part 4 repeated on
 UK Gold; and Revelation of the Daleks,
Part 2 (of 4) both repeated on ABC
1995 Delta and the Bannermen, Part
repeated on UK Gold
1997 The Curse of Peladon Omnibus
repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1998 The Daleks, Episode 4: The Ambush repeated
on Space; and The Awakening, Part 1 and Frontios
Omnibus both repeated on UK Gold
1999 The Chase, Episode 6 and The Seeds of Death,
Episode 1 both repeated on Space; The Two Doctors,
Part 1 repeated on UKTV (Aus); and Survival Omnibus
repeated on KQED
2000 The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Episode 3: Day
of Reckoning repeated on UKTV (Aus); The Silurians,
Episode 7 repeated on Space; and Day of the Daleks,
Episode 3 first screened on TG4
2001 The Android Invasion, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated
on Prime; The Seeds of Doom, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated
on BBC America; and The Deadly Assassin, Part 2 repeated
on UKTV (Aus)
2002 Genesis of the DaleksPart 2 repeated on BBC Kids
(Can); Earthshock, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on NHPTV;
and Death Comes to Time: Planet of Blood, Part 3 released
on BBCi
2003 The Mind of Evil Omnibus repeated on UK Gold;
and The Robots of Death, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated
on BBC Kids (Can)
2004 The Krotons, Episode 1 repeated on ABC; and
The Visitation Omnibus repeated on BBC Kids (Can)
2005 Horror of Fang Rock, Part 4 repeated on ABC
2006 - The Empty Child first screened on Ztélé
2007 The Long Game repeated on ΣΚΑΙ
2008 - Aliens of London repeated on OETA;
and Dr. Who and the Daleks screened on
Syfy (Spa)
2009 The Christmas Invasion and
New Earth both repeated on Syfy (FRG)
2010 - The Satan Pit, Utopia and The Sound of Drums
repeated and Turn Left first screened, all on Syfy (Spa);
Fear Her repeated on HRT2; Blink repeated on WTTW
11; and Partners in Crime and Doctor Who Confidential:
A Noble Return both repeated on BBC3
2011 The Brain of Morbius, Episodes 1 and 2 both
repeated on Radio 7; The Masque of Mandragora,
Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on MTV3 SciFi, TV2 and
TV4; The Poison Sky repeated on Space; and Silence
 in the Library and Forest of the Dead both repeated
on UKTV (Aus)
2012 New Earth repeated on Watch; Doomsday
repeated on BBC America; and The Fires of Pompeii
and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: The
Italian Job both repeated on ABC2
 2013 Turn Left repeated on Watch; Victory
of the Daleks repeated on BBC America; and
The God Complex repeated on BBC3
2014 The Parting of the Ways and The Christmas Invasion
both repeated on RAI4; BlinkUtopiaThe Sound of Drums
and Last of the Time Lords all repeated on Really; The Fires
of PompeiiPlanet 
of the OodThe Sontaran StratagemThe Poison Sky and The
 Doctor's Daughter all repeated on France 4; Victory of the Daleks
 repeated on BBC3; The Hungry EarthCold BloodDoctor Who 
Confidential: After Effects and What Goes on Tour all repeated on
BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD; The Lodger repeated on Jeem
TV (ME); The Doctor's WifeThe Almost People and A Good Man
Goes to War all repeated on BBC America; The Rebel Flesh 
repeated on BBC America and BBC Nordic; The Snowmen
repeated on Syfy (Ben); and The Day of the Doctor
repeated on Syfy (Port)
2015 - The Chase, Episodes 5 and 6, The Time Meddler,
Episodes 1 and 2 and Colony in Space, Episodes 4 and 5 all
repeated on Retro TV; Underworld, Part 3, Utopia and The Curse 
of the Black Spot all repeated on Syfy (Aus); Castrovalva, Parts
1 and 2 both repeated on KBTC; Dalek, Father's DayThe Empty
Child and The Doctor Dances 
all repeated on EBRU; Boom Town, Bad Wolf, The Parting of the 
Ways, New Earth and School Reunion all repeated on Watch; The 
Christmas InvasionThe Girl in the Fireplace, Rise of the Cybermen, 
The Age of SteelDoomsday, Blink, Silence in the Library, Asylum 
of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, A Town Called Mercy, 
The Power of Three and The Day of the Doctor all repeated on BBC
America; The Idiot's Lantern, The Impossible Planet and The Satan 
Pit all repeated on KCPT2; The Angels Take Manhattan repeated on 
VPB; Time Heist and The Caretaker both repeated on Fox (FRG); Kill 
the Moon first screened on RAI4; Death in Heaven repeated on BBC
Entertainment LA HD; and Doctor Who Confidential: River Runs
Wild repeated on BBC Entertainment AP
2016 The Pirate Planet Omnibus repeated on Horror;
The Leisure Hive, Parts and 2 both repeated on Retro
TV; Rose repeated on TV Cultura; New Earth and
Doctor Who Confidential: Fear Factor both repeated
on ABC2; The Family of Blood, The Doctor, the Widow and 
the Wardrobe and Robot of Sherwood all repeated on Syfy (Aus); 
Victory of the Daleks and The Time of Angels both repeated on 
Einsfestival; The Vampires of Venice and Amy's Choice both 
repeated on BBC America; The Bells of Saint John repeated
 on BBC Polska HD; Cold War repeated on Syfy (Spa); Hide 
repeated on Syfy (Port); Kill the Moon repeated on WGVU;
The Girl Who Died repeated on BBC First (ME); and The
Husbands of River Song repeated on BBC Entertainment AP
2017 The Silurians, Episode 3 repeated on The Zone; The 
Visitation, Part 4 and Black Orchid, Part 1 both repeated on 
Retro TV; The Shakespeare Code repeated on FX (Ind); Flesh 
and Stone repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Big BangA Christmas 
Carol, The Impossible 
Astronaut, Day of the MoonThe Curse of the Black Spot and The 
Doctor's Wife all repeated on BBC America; The Rings of Akhaten, 
Cold War and Into the Dalek all repeated on Syfy (Bra); Listeand
Time Heist both repeated on BBC Polska HD; Kill the Moon and 
Mummy on the Orient Express both repeated on Fox (FRG); Sleep 
No More repeated on One ARD; and The Husbands of River Song 
repeated on France 4
2018 The Impossible Planet repeated on Syfy (Aus); Forest
of the Dead repeated on Star World Premiere; Cold Blood
repeated on ABC and ABC ME; Day of the Moon and The 
Curse of the Black Spot both repeated on RAI4; Robot of
Sherwood repeated on BBC Polska HD; Time Heist repeated 
on BBC First (ME); and The Pyramid at the End of the World
repeated on Syfy (Bra)
2019 The Masque of Mandragora, Parts
3 and 4 and The Hand of FearPart 1 all
repeated on Jones! too; and The Day of
the Doctor repeated on BBC Polska HD
2020 The Romans Omnibus repeated on KVCR; The Tomb
of the CybermenEpisodes 1 and 2 and The Deadly Assassin,
Parts 3 and 4 all repeated on Retro TV; State of Decay, Parts
3 and 4 both repeated on KBTC; MidnightTurn Left and The
Stolen Earth all repeated on One ARD; The Eleventh Hour,
The Beast BelowVictory of the DaleksThe Time of Angels,
Flesh and Stone and The Vampires of Venice all repeated
on W; A Christmas Carol and The Impossible Astronaut both
repeated and The Haunting of Villa Diodati first screened, all 
on BBC Polska HD; The Eaters of Light repeated on Star
World Premiere HD; Ascension of the Cybermen repeated
on BBC America; The Timeless Children first screened on
BBC1 HD, BBC1 and TV2; and The Science of Doctor Who
repeated on BBC4
2021 The Curse of FenricParts 3 and 4
both repeated on Retro TV; Voyage of the
Damned repeated on ABC2; and The Pilot
and Smile both repeated on Fox (FRG)
2022 Terror of the Zygons, Part 4
and The Robots of Death, Part 1 both
repeated on Forces TV; Full Circle,
Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on Retro
TV; Aliens of London repeated on Fox
SciFi; The Parting of the Ways repeated
on Syfy (Fra); In the Forest of the Night,
Dark Water and Death in Heaven all
repeated on One ARD; The Lie of the
Land repeated on BBC Polska HD;
Praxeus repeated on BBC First Turkey;
 and Revolution of the Daleks repeated
on ABC2
2023 - Asylum of the Daleks repeated
on Fox SciFi
2025 Smith and Jones repeated
on ABC Entertains

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