Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Doctor Who On This Day #359


Christmas Day
1965 - The Daleks' Master Plan,
Episode 7: The Feast of Steven first
screened on BBC1
1973 - Dr. Who and the Daleks
screened on Ten
1975 - The Daemons, Episode 5 first
screened on WTTW 11
1977 - Terror of the Autons, Episode
 1 first screened on KBS1
1981 Genesis of the Daleks, Part 3
repeated on KQED Plus
1984 - The Green Death, Episode 3
repeated on KQED Plus
1985 The Talons of Weng-Chiang,
Part 5 repeated on KQED Plus
1986 The SensoritesEpisode 6: A
Desperate Venture repeated on KQED
1987 The Deadly Assassin, Part 4
repeated on KQED Plus
1988 Earthshock Omnibus repeated
on KQED Plus
1989 Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150
AD screened on TV2
1990 Pyramids of Mars, Part 3
repeated on KQED Plus
1991 - Time and the Rani, Part 1
repeated on KQED Plus
1992 The Ark, Episode 1: The
Steel Sky repeated on UK Gold
1993 The Sontaran Experiment
Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus;
and Resistance is Useless first
screened on TV2
1994 Vengeance on Varos Omnibus
 repeated on UK Gold
1995 Image of the Fendahl, Part 2
repeated on UK Gold; and The Two
Doctors Omnibus repeated on KQED
1996 The Ambassadors of Death,
Episode 5 repeated on UKTV
1997 - The Web Planet, Episode 5: Invasion first screened
on Space; and Meglos, Part 4 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1998 - Writer/Director Terence Dudley died in Britain, aged
69; and The Daemons, Episode 1 repeated on UKTV (Aus)
1999 - The Space Museum, Episode 4: The Final Phase repeated
 on Space; The Seeds of Doom Omnibus repeated on Colorado
TV; and The Creature from the Pit, Part 3 repeated on BBC Prime
2000 - Carnival of Monsters, Episode 1 repeated on Prime; and
The Curse of Fenric Omnibus repeated on KQED Plus
2001 - Doctor Who TV Movie repeated on Syfy (US)
2002 The Androids of Tara Omnibus
repeated on BBC Kids
2003 Logopolis Omnibus repeated
on BBC Kids (Can)
2005 - Doctor Who TV Movie repeated on UK Gold;
The Long Game repeated on Jimmy; The Christmas 
Invasion first screened on BBC1; and Attack of the
 Graske released on BBC Red Button
2006 - The End of the World repeated on Prime;
Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways both
repeated on France 4; The Christmas Invasion
 first screened on Nederland 3; The Runaway
Bride first screened on BBC1; Doctor Who
Confidential: Music and Monsters first screened
 on BBC1 (Scotland & South Wales only); and
Doctor Who: A Celebration released on BBC
Red Button
2007 - The Doctor Dances, Boom Town, Bad Wolf, The Parting of the 
Ways and The Christmas Invasion all repeated on Prime; The Girl in the
 Fireplace repeated on NHK BS3; Voyage of the Damned first screened
on BBC1; Doctor Who Confidential at Christmas first screened on BBC3;
and Back in Time repeated on BBC Wales
2008 - Arc of Infinity, Part 4 and Mawdryn Undead, Part 1 both first 
screened on MTV3 SciFi and TV4; School Reunion, The Girl in the 
FireplaceRise of the CybermenThe Age of Steel, The Idiot's Lantern, 
The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit all repeated on Prime; The 
Runaway Bride repeated on Prime and UKTV (Aus); The Next Doctor
first screened on BBC1; and Doctor Who Confidential: Christmas 
2008 Special and Top 5 Christmas Moments both first screened on
2009 - The Empty Child repeated on Syfy (Rus); The Girl in the 
Fireplace repeated on Syfy (Spa); The Runaway Bride repeated on
 UKTV (Aus); Evolution of the Daleks repeated on Prime; The Family 
of Blood and Blink both repeated on Syfy (Ben); The End of Time,
Part 1 first screened on BBC1 and BBC HD; Doctor Who Confidential:
 Lords and Masters screened; and The Sarah Jane Adventures: The 
Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith Omnibus repeated on BBC1
2010 - Silence in the Library, Forest of the Dead, Midnight and
The Next Doctor all repeated on Prime; Planet of the Dead
 repeated on UKTV (Aus); Victory of the Daleks repeated on
Syfy (Spa); Christmas Carol first screened on BBC1; Doctor
Who Confidential: Christmas Special 2010 first screened;
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor Omnibus
repeated on BBC1; and Doctor Who Prom (2010) first
screened on BBC America
2011 - The Silurians, Episodes 3 and 4 both repeated on KBTC;
The Twin Dilemma Omnibus and Attack of the Cybermen, Parts 1
and 2 all repeated on MTV3 SciFi, TV2 and TV4; The End of Time,
Part 2 and Doctor Who Confidential Cutdown: What Goes on Tour 
both repeated on UKTV (Aus); A Christmas Carol repeated on ABC1
and UKTV (Aus); The Impossible AstronautDay of the MoonThe 
Doctor's WifeThe Rebel FleshThe Almost PeopleA Good Man 
Goes to WarLet's Kill HitlerNight TerrorsThe Girl Who Waited 
and The God Complex all repeated on BBC America and Space;
The Curse of the Black Spot first screened on KBS2 and repeated
on BBC America and Space; Closing Time repeated on Space; and
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe first screened on BBC1
2012 The Christmas Invasion repeated on BBC
 America and Watch; The Runaway BrideVoyage
of the Damned and The Next Doctor all repeated
on BBC America; A Christmas Carol repeated on
BBC America and UKTV (Aus); The Impossible AstronautDay of the 
MoonThe Curse of the Black SpotThe Doctor's WifeThe Rebel 
FleshThe Almost PeopleA Good Man Goes to WarThe Doctor, the 
Widow and the WardrobeDoctor Who Confidential Cutdown: Coming
 to AmericaBreaking the Silence and Take Two all repeated on UKTV
(Aus); Asylum of the Daleks repeated on BBC America and Space;
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and A Town Called Mercy both first screened
on Fox (FRG) and repeated on BBC America and Space; The Power of 
Three first screened on Fox (FRG); The Snowmen first screened on
BBC1 and ABC1 (iView only); and Doctor Who Prom (2010) repeated
on ABC1
2013 The Christmas Invasion repeated on France 4; The Runaway 
Bride repeated on UKTV (Aus) and Space; Voyage of the Damned and
The End of Time, Parts 1 and 2 all repeated on Space; The Next Doctor
 repeated on Space and UKTV (NZ); A Christmas Carol repeated on BBC
America, BBC Nordic, Space, UKTV (NZ) and Watch; The Rebel Flesh 
repeated on BBC Entertainment LA; The Almost People repeated
on Syfy (Port); The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe 
repeated on BBC America, BBC Nordic, BBC Entertainment EU,
Romania, ME, LA, Space and UKTV (Aus); Asylum of the 
Daleks repeated on BBC America and RAI4; Dinosaurs on a
Spaceship and A Town Called Mercy both repeated on BBC
America; The Power of Three and The Angels Take Manhattan 
both repeated on BBC America and Prime; The Snowmen 
repeated on BBC America, ABC1, UKTV (Aus), Ztélé and 
Prime; The Bells of Saint JohnThe Rings of Akhaten
Cold WarHide and Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS 
repeated on BBC America, Space, Prime and Fox (FRG); The Crimson Horror and Nightmare in Silver both repeated on BBC America, Space
and Fox; The Name of the Doctor repeated on BBC America and Fox;
The Day of the Doctor repeated on BBC America, BBC Entertainment
RSA, Space and Fox; The Time of the Doctor first screened on BBC1,
BBC HD, BBC Entertainment LA HD, Space and Fox; and Doctor Who
 Prom (2013) and An Adventure in Space and Time both repeated
on BBC2
2014 - Inferno, Episodes 4 and 5 both repeated on Horror; Genesis 
of the Daleks, Parts 5 and 6 both first screened on Retro TV; Planet 
of Evil, Parts 3 and 4 both repeated on Syfy (Aus); The Impossible 
Astronaut repeated on UKTV (NZ); The Rebel Flesh repeated on
KCPT2; A Good Man Goes to War repeated on Syfy (Aus); The 
Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe repeated on BBC America;
The Snowmen repeated on BBC America, BBC Entertainment LA
HD, Space and Syfy (Ben); The Bells of Saint John repeated
on Space and Syfy (Ben); Cold War, Hide, The Crimson Horror and 
The Name of the Doctor all repeated on Space; The Rings of Akhaten
 first screened on KERA and repeated on Space; Journey to the 
Centre of the TARDIS repeated on Space and WTTW Prime;
Nightmare in Silver repeated on BBC Entertainment RSA and Space;
The Day of the Doctor repeated on BBC America, BBC Entertainment 
EU, Romania, ME and Space; The Time of the Doctor first 
screened on RAI4 and repeated on BBC Entertainment LA HD, 
Space and DR3; Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood, 
Listen, Time Heist and Dark Water all repeated on BBC America and
 Space; The Caretaker repeated on BBC America, Space and Prime; 
Kill the Moon, Mummy on the Orient Express, Flatline and In the 
Forest of the Night all repeated on BBC America, Space, Prime and 
Fox; Death in Heaven repeated on Fox; Last Christmas first screened 
on BBC1, BBC HD, Prime and Fox; Doctor Who Extra: Last Christmas 
released on BBC Red Button; Hornets' Nest: A Sting in the TalePart 
2 repeated on Radio 4 Extra; and An Adventure in Space and Time 
first screened on RAI4
2015 The Time Monster, Episodes 5 and 6 both repeated on UNC-
MX; The Hand of Fear, Parts 1 and 2 both repeated on Retro TV; 
Horror of Fang RockParts 1 and 2 both repeated on Horror; Boom 
Town, Bad Wolf, The Parting of the Ways and The Christmas Invasion 
all repeated on EBRU; Planet of the Dead, The Next Doctor and The 
End of Time, Parts 1 and 2 all repeated on Watch; A Christmas Carol 
repeated on FX (Ind); The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe 
repeated on BBC Nordic HD, BBC Polska HD and FX; Night Terrors 
repeated on BBC Entertainment AP; The Snowmen repeated on
BBC America, BBC Nordic HD and BBC Polska HD; The Time of 
the Doctor repeated on BBC America, BBC Entertainment EU,
Romania, ME and FX; In the Forest of the Night repeated on
BBC America; Dark Water, Death in HeavenThe Magician's 
Apprentice, The Witch's Familiar, Sleep No More and Heaven
Sent all repeated on BBC America and Space; Last Christmas 
repeated on BBC America, Space and FX; Under the Lake 
repeated on BBC America, Space and Fox (FRG); Before the 
Flood repeated on BBC America, Prime and Fox; The Girl Who 
Died repeated on BBC America, BBC First (Ben), Space, Prime 
and Fox; The Woman Who Lived repeated on BBC America,
Space, Prime and Fox; The Zygon Invasion and The Zygon
Inversion both repeated on BBC America, Space and Prime;
 Face the Raven first screened on DR3 and repeated on 
BBC America, Space and Prime; The Husbands of River 
Song first screened on BBC1 and BBC HD; and Doctor
Who Extra: The Husbands of River Song released online
2016 The Daleks, Episodes 6 and 7 both repeated on Retro TV; 
The Sensorites, Episode 6 and Planet of Giants, Episode 1 both
repeated on KBTC; The Power of the Daleks, Episode 6 first screened
on BBC America and Omnibus screened on ABC iView; Planet of Evil 
Omnibus repeated on WVPB; Horror of Fang Rock Omnibus repeated
on Iowa PTV; The Ribos Operation and The Pirate Planet Omnibuses
both repeated on KERA; The Creature from the Pit Omnibus repeated
on WSRE; City of Death Omnibus repeated on Idaho PTV; The
 Christmas Invasion repeated on BBC America and Space; The 
Runaway Bride repeated on Space; Smith and Jones, The 
Shakespeare Code, Gridlock and Daleks in Manhattan repeated on
 BBC Polska HD and Watch; Evolution of the Daleks, The Lazarus 
Experiment, 42, Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Blink, Utopia, 
The Sound of Drums, Last of the Time Lords and Doctor Who Extra: 
The Caretaker repeated and Behind the Lens: The Time of the 
Doctor first screened, all on BBC Polska HD; Voyage of the Damned 
repeated on BBC Polska HD, Space and RAI4; The Next Doctor
repeated on Space and Star World Premiere; A Christmas Carol,
The Snowmen and The Time of the Doctor all repeated on Space
and Syfy (Bra); The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe repeated
on BBC America, Space and Syfy (Bra); The Angels Take Manhattan 
repeated on Fox (FRG); The Day of the Doctor, FlatlineIn the Forest 
of the NightDark Water, Death in Heaven, The Magician's Apprentice
 and The Destinations of Doctor Who all repeated on Syfy (LA);
Last Christmas repeated on BBC America, Space, Star World
Premiere, Syfy (Bra) and Syfy (LA); Under the Lake repeated
on BBC First (ME); Before the Flood repeated on BBC First
(ME) and Syfy (LA); The Girl Who Died repeated on BBC America,
BBC First (ME) and Syfy (LA); The Woman Who Lived, The Zygon 
InvasionThe Zygon Inversion, Sleep No More and Face the Raven 
all repeated on BBC America and Syfy (LA); Heaven Sent repeated
on BBC America and Prime; Hell Bent repeated on Prime; The 
Husbands of River Song repeated on BBC America, ABC, Prime,
Space, YLE TV2, Star World Premiere and Syfy (Bra); and The 
Return of Doctor Mysterio first screened on BBC1 and BBC First
2017 FrontiosPart 4 repeated on Jones! too; The Caves of 
Androzani Omnibus repeated on WETA-UK; Aliens of London
repeated on Star World Premiere; The Christmas Invasion, The 
Lazarus ExperimentThe Time of the Doctor and The Caretaker 
all repeated on W; School Reunion, The Girl in the Fireplace, 
Rise of the CybermenThe Age of SteelThe Idiot's Lantern,
The Impossible 
PlanetThe Satan PitLove & Monsters and Army of Ghosts all
repeated on Syfy (Aus); Fear Her repeated on ABC, ABC ME and 
Syfy (Aus); The Eleventh Hour repeated on BBC Polska HD and
RAI4; A Christmas Carol repeated on W and Syfy (Bra); The 
Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe repeated on W and Syfy
(Bra); The SnowmenThe Day of the Doctor and Doctor Who 
Explained all repeated on Syfy (Bra); Last Christmas repeated on
BBC America and Syfy (Bra); Heaven Sent and Hell Bent both
repeated on BBC America; The Husbands of River Song repeated
on BBC America, DR3, RAI4 and Syfy (Bra); The Return of Doctor 
Mysterio repeated on BBC America, BBC First (RSA), ABC, RAI4 and
Syfy (Bra); The Pilot, Smile, Thin IceKnock Knock and The Eaters 
of Light all repeated on BBC America and Space; Oxygen, Extremis, 
The Pyramid at the End of the World, The Lie of the Land and
Empress of Mars all repeated on BBC America, Space and Prime; 
World Enough and Time repeated on BBC America, BBC First
 (ME) and Space; The Doctor Falls repeated on BBC First (ME); 
Twice Upon a Time first screened on BBC1, BBC HD and BBC
First (ME); and An Adventure in Space and Time repeated on
 BBC America and RAI4
2018 Blink and Utopia both repeated on W; Christmas Carol
The Snowmen, Last Christmas and The Husbands of River Song all 
repeated on BBC America; The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe 
repeated on W and BBC America; The Rebel FleshThe Almost People
and A Good Man Goes to War all repeated on One ARD; The Time of
 the Doctor repeated on BBC America and RAI4; Hell Bent repeated 
on Fox (FRG); The Return of Doctor Mysterio repeated on BBC First
 (RSA); The Eaters of LightWorld Enough and Time and The Doctor 
Falls all repeated on Syfy (LA); Twice Upon a Time repeated
on ABC and Fox; Rose repeated on BBC First (ME); and
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos repeated on BBC Polska HD
2019 The Christmas InvasionSchool Reunion,
The Next DoctorThe End of Time, Parts 1 and 2,
A Christmas CarolThe Doctor Falls and Twice
Upon a Time all repeated on BBC America; The
Runaway Bride and Voyage of the Damned both repeated on W
and BBC America; The Doctor's Daughter and Turn Left both
repeated on Syfy (Fra); The Curse of the Black Spot repeated on
W; The Snowmen and The Time of the Doctor both repeated
on RAI4; Last Christmas repeated on BBC America and
RAI4; The Husbands of River Song repeated on BBC
America, BBC Entertainment EU and Fox (FRG); The
Return of Doctor Mysterio repeated on BBC America
and Fox (FRG); The PilotSmile and Thin Ice all
repeated on BBC Polska HD; and The Broken Crown,
Part 1 repeated on Radio 4 Extra
2020 The Gunfighters, Episodes 3 and 4 both
 repeated on Retro TV; Victory of the Daleks
repeated on BBC Polska HD; A Christmas Carol,
The Doctor, the Widow and the WardrobeThe
Snowmen and The Time of the Doctor all repeated
on BBC America; Last Christmas and The Husbands
of River Song both repeated on RAI4; The Return
of Doctor Mysterio repeated on BBC Entertainment
EU; Rosa repeated on Syfy (Fra); and Ascension of
the Cybermen repeated on TV1
2023 - Richard Franklin died in Britain,
aged 87; State of Decay, Parts 3 and 4
both repeated on Retro TV; Revolution
of the Daleks repeated on Fox SciFi; The
Power of the Doctor repeated on TV2;
The Church on Ruby Road first screened
on BBC1, BBC iPlayer and Disney+; Doctor
Who: UnleashedEpisode 4 first screened
on BBC3; and Dr. Who and the Daleks
screened on Legend
2024 Arachnids in the UK repeated
on ABC EntertainsJoy to the World
first screened BBC1, BBC iPlayer and
Disney+; and Doctor Who: Unleashed,
Episode 14 first screened on BBC3

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